No one has ever say it to me before. I was flattered, she said these beautiful words about me as she sees it. “The Apple must have fall not far from the tree”. I could be the apple of her eyes too. At least I want to feel that way.
It seems everything in this world begins with Apple. The Book of Genesis foretold Adam was seduced by the devil to eat the apple God forbid. For eating the forbidden fruit Adam and his partner got thrown out from the Garden of Eden. For their sins until today men have that Adam’s apple stuck in the throat.
A toddler first few words a part from mama and daddy would be Apple. That no nonesense English man Sir Isaac Newton stunned the world immediately when an Apple fell right on his head. Instead of wandering who the hell threw the apple on him, he did some calculation on the speed of the apple to discover the theory of gravity. Why has he not thought about it while nature call?
You also hear English proverb on apple such as “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” “He is a bad apple in the family”. God knows whether the ever popular apple exists or sold in the market of the Malay Archipelago 500 years ago. Nothing in the Hikayat Sejarah Melayu mentioned about apple neither events that leads the Sultan killing anyone for eating his apple ever recorded by date or myth alike. Otherwise, it could have become our largest export.
Today the Government is cancelling their plan to export our local monkeys abroad. They fear that our monkeys are carrying diseases. Perhaps these monkeys have not been eating enough apples. If these monkeys have no other disease a part from heart disease, send them off to the white caucasion countries. These white countries are always sympathetic of their plight. They are forever willing to take them in their care and feed them apples. We should not be bother to these ungrateful monkeys.
i dont think Genesis mentions the word apple...where does Darihulu get his facts?
is darihulu a foreigner? we all know apple trees dont grow in Malaysia.
Why apple? while many other fruits are suggested including tomato. In ancient lore the apple has various meaning and were a tempting love fruits. Popular European tradition has held it is apple that Eve want Adam bite. Another reason that it is known as Apple, in Latin the word apple and evil are identical, it symbolise fall into sin.
In Islam it is name as buah khuldi.
The name khuldi given by the devil.
we were trading centre of the world, records shows Magellan, Marco Polo, Cheng Ho all sailed along straits of malacca. they could have drop a few apples to impress people like you.
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