I hate waiting, it is what I do for a living. Wait, wait and wait or for my case to be called. I could be in court at 9am, the interpreter will call my case at 12.30pm. Here in Pulai, I have to wait between 10 to 15 minutes, I can wait. At 9.00am the Returning Officer made announcement for the opening of the Nomination Centre. The BN candidates and the respected entourage of Pencadang Penyokong and Wakil Calon enter the Nomination Centre.
At 9.15am, about 200 metres away, I saw the PAS supporters walking towards the Nomination Centre from the other direction. I believe the route taken by the Parties were designed by the police to avoid them from clashing, true enough, the moment they were facing each other, although 25 metres apart, they went wild.
Someone told me the number of PAS supporters were larger than the last election. Upon a close look, I realise there are between 20 to 30 Indians among them. This is true politics, I thought to myself.
The waiting was worth it. They started screaming shouting singing chanting booing at each other with all sorts of remarks, some of which are abusive. They were like school children, without the teachers, they make a lot of noise. The provocations were louder than words, they sing Negara Ku, UMNO anthems and all other patriotic songs except songs from Mawi. They challenged each other who has the tallest and highest numbers of flags, they just do anything to show are better than the other. The scene was fun to look at until the sun rose towards midday and put them to challenge too.

At 10am the RO announced the nomination is closed, between 10am to 11am is Waktu Bantahan "Objection Stage". Apparently the candidates are given the opportunity to oppose the nomination of the other whether by technical or by provisions provided in the Election Act.
Between that period of objection, the food, the drinks, the newspapers arrived, one after the other. I do not see anyone rush for the foods and drinks. It was distributed in an orderly manner and it also seems to be adequate for everyone at the Nomination Centre. Another credit to the Setiausaha Kerja for job well done.
As the sun rose towards midday, as it get hotter that Sunday morning, there are those who move to shed themselves from the heat, they could be seen standing idle, eating drinking reading the newspapers, chatting with friends or strangers alike. Meanwhile, those who remains standing behind the yellow lines continues with the chanting, singing patriotic songs and from time to time your hear them shouting such as "Barang Naik lah Bagus,Barang Ok. Barang Tak Naik, Barang Tak Bagus, Itu Barang Expired". This one came from the Mak Ciks.
Its 11am, the Returning Officer is not out yet, he is suppose to make the announcement that the objection period has come to an end. We waited further until 11.15am, still nothing. At 11.25am, news came out from the Centre, PAS has raised an objection that suprise everyone including me. All of the sudden, I felt anxious, I felt something not right going on in the Nomination Centre.
At 11.35am, someone inside the Nomination Centre wants my advice, the handphone was passed to me. Huh!!! Objection, very technical objection. On stamping, to be exact Setem Hasil. I am new here, I thought to myself. I know almost nothing, luckily I had a browse at the Election Act at 3.30 am while in bed.
End of Part 4
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