Friday, 29 February 2008

Do Not Object

In court, if you have an objection you just stand up and say, "Bantahan Yang Arif", if you have preliminary objection, you must give seven days notice to the other party. Even then, you are no longer permit to object at your own whims and fancy, objections raised are subjected to the Rules of the Courts. About 3 to 4 years ago, the Court got sick with all sorts of technical objections. Some lawyers are so petty, object to margins, fonts, heading, lines etc, these lawyers are bunch of plonkers who think they are smart. True enough they serve their client but they do not serve justice.

It is apparent, there are many lawyers among the Opposition Party. Some are so smart, the Government have to keep them away from the public by putting them into a Centre known as Kamunting. These lawyers are like celebrities, their many fans enjoy their freedom in the form of rioting and public disorder.

The Opposition in Pulai raised technical objection on the Setem Hasil used by BN, I believe it was done by lawyers behind the scene. Accordingly I gave my advice, I do not think the objection should sustain, I do recall nothing in the Election Act stipulates the wrongly used of Setem Hasil are one of the grounds to make the Candidate Nomination illegal and void. Most of all, they must highlight whether they are objecting under the Stamp Act or the Election Act. If it is under the Stamp Act, the law is clear on payment of Stamp Duty, all documents that need stamping, can be done within 30 days from the date of its execution. If it falls under the Election Act, it can be rectifed there and then.

Then the second phone call came, I pick up, I was told, they are not suppose to influence the decision of the Returning Officer. If that is the case, then I wait, we all wait. It has been over 2 hours since 10am. The heat has become unbearable, yet there are no news from the Centre,.
At 1215pm everyone appears from the Nomination Centre, I rushed to have a close look at the Returning Officer, he made the announcement. "The three objections raised, di tolak,..." he said. "I now announce the Candidate for Pulai Parliamentary......." All three of the BN candidates later rushed to their supporter, the supporters were cheering, some shed tears, some went straight and hug their leaders, an event I will never forget.


Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Objection My Lord

I hate waiting, it is what I do for a living. Wait, wait and wait or for my case to be called. I could be in court at 9am, the interpreter will call my case at 12.30pm. Here in Pulai, I have to wait between 10 to 15 minutes, I can wait. At 9.00am the Returning Officer made announcement for the opening of the Nomination Centre. The BN candidates and the respected entourage of Pencadang Penyokong and Wakil Calon enter the Nomination Centre.

At 9.15am, about 200 metres away, I saw the PAS supporters walking towards the Nomination Centre from the other direction. I believe the route taken by the Parties were designed by the police to avoid them from clashing, true enough, the moment they were facing each other, although 25 metres apart, they went wild.

Someone told me the number of PAS supporters were larger than the last election. Upon a close look, I realise there are between 20 to 30 Indians among them. This is true politics, I thought to myself.

The waiting was worth it. They started screaming shouting singing chanting booing at each other with all sorts of remarks, some of which are abusive. They were like school children, without the teachers, they make a lot of noise. The provocations were louder than words, they sing Negara Ku, UMNO anthems and all other patriotic songs except songs from Mawi. They challenged each other who has the tallest and highest numbers of flags, they just do anything to show are better than the other. The scene was fun to look at until the sun rose towards midday and put them to challenge too.
At 10am the RO announced the nomination is closed, between 10am to 11am is Waktu Bantahan "Objection Stage". Apparently the candidates are given the opportunity to oppose the nomination of the other whether by technical or by provisions provided in the Election Act.

Between that period of objection, the food, the drinks, the newspapers arrived, one after the other. I do not see anyone rush for the foods and drinks. It was distributed in an orderly manner and it also seems to be adequate for everyone at the Nomination Centre. Another credit to the Setiausaha Kerja for job well done.

As the sun rose towards midday, as it get hotter that Sunday morning, there are those who move to shed themselves from the heat, they could be seen standing idle, eating drinking reading the newspapers, chatting with friends or strangers alike. Meanwhile, those who remains standing behind the yellow lines continues with the chanting, singing patriotic songs and from time to time your hear them shouting such as "Barang Naik lah Bagus,Barang Ok. Barang Tak Naik, Barang Tak Bagus, Itu Barang Expired". This one came from the Mak Ciks.

Its 11am, the Returning Officer is not out yet, he is suppose to make the announcement that the objection period has come to an end. We waited further until 11.15am, still nothing. At 11.25am, news came out from the Centre, PAS has raised an objection that suprise everyone including me. All of the sudden, I felt anxious, I felt something not right going on in the Nomination Centre.

At 11.35am, someone inside the Nomination Centre wants my advice, the handphone was passed to me. Huh!!! Objection, very technical objection. On stamping, to be exact Setem Hasil. I am new here, I thought to myself. I know almost nothing, luckily I had a browse at the Election Act at 3.30 am while in bed.

End of Part 4

Nomination Fun Day

Right after breakfast, I was taken to a place where the supporters were gathering. I was surprised, they were carrying flags banners posters wearing t-shirts and badges of the Party they support, in this case Barisan Nasional (BN). There were probably about 500 hundreds of them, all in very high spirit and no doubt very organised. In my mind, who is the soul that arrange all these people to wake up Sunday morning to carry flags and banners, this was not mentioned this morning by the Setiausaha Kerja nor put up at the notice board at the Bilik Gerakan last night as I observed every single notices on the board. How do they do it?

Instead of walking with the supporters in the parade, I took a lift by car to the Nomination Centre. The road leading to the Nomination Centre was blocked by the police from other road users. Not one supporter around yet. In less than 5 minutes I saw them coming, the way they march will make anyone feel good about nomination day. The potential MP and DUNs were leading the parade, the followers supporter were behind them, waving the flags of MALAYSIA BN UMNO MCA MIC PPP GERAKAN, they were chanting slogans and singing patriotic songs. Everyone standing behind the yellow line, observed by the small number of police officers and one bad acting good old special branch pretending to be photographer among the journalists. Then came more supporters, marching with flags from different directions including the new breed of Mat Rempits, the number of supporters increased two folds. Now we wait, wait? For What?

Firstly, it is not 9am yet, the Nomination Centre open at 9am. It was 8.15am, we were very early. Secondly, I was told by someone that the opposition, in this case PAS will arrive around 8.30am. I said to my self, now that is something to look forward for a first timer like myself.

End of Part 3

Monday, 25 February 2008

Happy Birthday To Me, Happy Nomination Day Friend

I do not know what to expect on Nomination Day. The Setiausaha Kerja told me last night the Calon must, under the Election Act, bring with him before the Returning Officer, Pencadang, Penyokong and wakil Calon who will also be the witness for the Calon. The Borang or "Forms" to be submitted are many, each Borang was filled in meticulously, the hour spent on the Forms alone could be 36 hours, this is to avoid unnecessary technical objection. Nothing swept under the carpet, every technical problems while filling in the forms will be highlighted. One rule I learn when filling up forms, in this case Nomination Forms, fill in your name and address as appears in the identity card. You can forget your title, it is not important, it has no meaning to the Opposition at all.

Everyone assembled as early as 7am for breakfast. The Nomination Centre open at 9am, I joined the potential candidate for breakfast. I felt honoured to take the seat with a retired political heavy weight I know for almost 20 years. A minute later, the Setiausaha Kerja request for "Doa" prayers, someone opposite me recites the prayers. Was it a good "Doa"? Yes it was, I was delighted the "Doa" was in Arabic and Malay, it was short and simple, most of all the "Doa" fills with the purpose of the gathering on this Nomination Day. I am very happy for the first time in my life, my birthday was showered with "Doa" too.

Then came one of the potential State Assemblyman, wearing all white, smiling to everyone, I gave him my seat. The Setiausaha Kerja allows the potential DUN man to settle down for about five minutes before standing next to their breakfast table. He produced all the papers and documents to be submitted before the Election Returning Officer, he points out the importance of each and every papers, forms, receipts, identity cards to these potential Member of Parliament, States Assemblyman in particular to the Senior Veteran Politician which I believe should accompany every young politicians in this country.
I have to give my salutation or hats off, the Wild Wild West "Adat" to the Setiausaha Kerja. He present it in a very professional manner, his chronology and sequences of papers and documentations were immaculate, he speaks with conviction, in an official like manner, he ensure you do not miss a thing.
It was a good birthday presence, for nearly 25 years I thought I know politics, as a matter of fact, no, I do not know, it is not about "cakap-cakap", it is not about "sembang-sembang" and for the first time, I realise, the machinery that I saw last nite and this morning works for one reason and one reason alone, it is about loyalty to the Leader, to the Party and nothing else.
End of Part 2

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Do You Have Any Objection? Its My Birthday.

I never thought I will go around "sibuk menyibuk" in a General Election again. Nor it occurs to me that I will attend the Hari Penamaan Calon also known as "Nomination Day". All my life I have never seen Jentera Pilihanraya either, the only Jentera Pilihanraya I know off was in 2004, even then it was one may say as "setakat tampal poster", but then again it was fun.

This year for my birthday, since many I know close to me encourage, I accept the invitation to witness the Nomination Day in Pulai which also fall on my birthday. What is birthday anyway, I always hate it. Especially looking at candles on the cake or cakes growing each year. Imagine the temptation of taking away one or two candles before you blow it.

I arrived in Pulai just before midnight, on first note, I know the posters of the potential candidate is in a 1 ton lorry on its way to Pulai too. Upon arrival, I met the parliamentary candidate and his many assistants to register my presence. He seems to be very relax, as if knowing all are in good hands. Upon check in at the hotel, I had a quick change of shirt, no time to be waste, I was taken to the Bilik Gerakan. I was suprised to see everything which are needed in an election campaign seems to be in placed. I notice charts, graphs, statistics, lists of names of various committees and subcommittees posted around the walls of the operation. The maps of the Parlimentary and the two States Consituencies were large enough to shame DBKL meant for tourist Maps.

Then came a man, walk into the room, seem to me known by everyone in the room, unlike me who is like "rusa masuk kampung", I introduced myself, he offered me his kretek cigarrette which he claimed to be from Bandung. Within 2 minutes with him, I begin to notice, this man, the way he walk, talks, his humour and knowledge of nomination for election, must have come from years of experience working for his Master. Not 5 years or 10 ten years, it could be 20 years or more. I was impressed when he is also highly knowledgeable on the relevant Acts that applies during election. On issue of objections on Nomination Day, he seems to be aware of all the technical objections back to back.

He did not stumble or fumble to each and every questions I asked, he will answer each and everyone with nothing to hide as if it is from a book. I was shown the checklists, the forms and all other papers to be taken to the Nomination Station.

I left the Bilik Gerakan at 2.30 am

End of Part 1.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Read Between The Lines

This is how it sounds today, “Jangan Buat Mahkamah Macam Wayang”. To these, I thank you Your Highness YTM Raja Nazrin Shah, the The Raja Muda of Perak.

Lawyers are bunch of strange people who only like to hear themselves. Their egos are as wide as the valley, Kelang Valley, if they are from Kuala Lumpur. They are so called learned, so called trained to read small prints but they fail to read between the lines of the four huge banners put up at the main entrance of Komplek Mahkamah Jalan Duta building columns.

If you pass the new Komplek Mahkamah Jalan Duta lately, you will notice huge banners on display simply written “Buat Kerja”. The new appointed Lord President on his first day in office opening speech, just said “Buat Kerja”. The Bar Council, the Lawyers applauded, they are happy to see the Courts staffs got told off by the Lord President which resulted to the recent display four huge banners outside the Courts Complex.

I personally think the long huge banner, visible probably as far as the site of the new Istana Negara, was directed to lawyers. These lawyers who think they are too smart, which I think arrogant noisy lot, have fail to read between the lines. The “Buat Kerja” banners are meant for them and not for the humble courts officials I knew all these years. Of course there are one or two bad apples, the rest by the hundreds or thousands throughout the country are very accommodating should you need their assistance.

My message to the Bar Council and to the arrogant noisy irritating lawyers out there, “Stop Berdrama”, enough of your bad acting, you people look stupid for allowing yourself be used and orchestrated by the NGOs, Opposition Parties and whatever pressure groups you like so much.
The message “Buat Kerja”, read between the lines, were meant for you.

Monday, 18 February 2008

Do You Believe In Ghost? "Hantu"?

Tonight, I was made to wait up and watched 2 horror movies until 3am. Both from Thailand, one on Astro, the other on TV2. To be frank, I hate horror movies. The type of movies I would be watching in the cinema would be like The Transformers. The story line, the special effects, the sounds worth every penny even though the fighting scenes between the human like machines can be quite disturbing.

The last horror movie I went to was many years ago, it was about a boy who can see ghosts. The story line, the acting was good, close to perfect. The "Hantu" did not make me jump, someone behind my seat did, whomever that person, scream a bit, jumped a bit, kicked at the back of my seat a bit, otherwise, I would have been fine. But of course the moment I got back home, left alone, I felt that like the boy in the movie, as if I can see ghosts too. Not that I am "penakut", I just dont like ghosts. To me, they are not nice to look at even though they look like Maya Karin. From thereon, I refrained myself from watching horror movies.

Then came this hit movie "Jangan Pandang Belakang", another "Hantu" movie. I didnt go to the movies, I rarely watch Malay movies, for this I watched it from the DVD. I must say the movie was cleverly done. The scene where the "hantu" flies next to the car, or sitting on top of the car, standing behind the car, doesnt help at all in getting rid of my fear and paranoia on "Hantu".

There will be a lot of "Hantu" by 8th of March 2008, you will hear the Opposition Parties complain of the existence of "Undi Hantu" in their constituencies, travelling in chartered buses. This "Undi Hantu" also known as Phantom Voters never worries me. They only "cari makan" if I may say, they have no intention of disturbing anyones peace. I believe there will be less "Undi Hantu" in this coming general election.

Selamat Mengundi 2008.

Friday, 15 February 2008

Happy Valentine

It has been a very tiring week, I was stressed out and burned, something wrong with my working pattern, it doesnt seems to pay off. Where do I go wrong? I must leave the office, I was looking at the same files again and again.

I took the lift to the ground floor, total change, the world is no longer files, what a relief, I thought I have a walk to KLCC. Along the pavement of the construction site entrance of the new Four Seasons Hotel, two Filipinos women were creative enough to sell flowers this beautiful day. The roses were sold in single, nicely placed in three seperate bamboo baskets. Someone stop and buy, the passerby had a glanced at the man who bought three red roses.

In KLCC, they sell not only roses, you can buy the bouquet with packages all in one such as tiny teddy, heart balloons and roche chocolates in it. The price, not that I am a cheapskate, to be honest I rather have a walk to Habib Jewel 10 metres way, get a nice gold ring and the price as much as the bouquet or less.
As a matter of fact, I will only buy the roses when it is cheap. If it is expensive and I still buy it, I must have done something wrong, really really wrong.
The flowers sold today are all in the name of Valentine's Day. For this day I have a message;

Happy Valentine to you all men out there, " Jangan Membazir".

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Vote Hope

It is election time again. It was four years ago when I contributed a desktop computer, a printer, 4 sets walkie talkies, a car and two clerical staffs to one of the campaign centre for Barisan in Ampang Hulu Kelang known as DUN Bukit Antarabangsa. It was fun to go around in the middle of the night putting up posters and banners until 4am. It was no fun the next day when I could not answer to the question asked by the Judge in Court to the errors and omissions in my application. “Sibuk campaign ke?” His Lordship asked. All I can do is smile. If I can help it I want to say “Tidak juga Yang Arif, saya sibuk menyibuk”.

It is also the one and only occassion I get to meet the State Assemblyman and the Member of Parliament of my constituency. On the last election, we cried for schools, no school until today. We cried for Pondok Polis, until today there is none, not even Pondok Bergerak. All you can see, married men in this area playing Pondok-pondok, that is moving from the first wife house to the second wife house and to the girlfriends house.

The job that I do involves a lot of reasons or reasoning. Reason to issue Summons, reason to proceed with the Summons, reason to adjourn and or reason to discharge myself not to represent anyone I dislike. The MP in my constituency provides a valid reason too for not building school, there are no space or land to build schools. Show me the land, she said, I get the school built. Sadly they managed to clear big slope and greenery just behind my Pondok to built low costs flats instead of school.

So this election, I decided to live in my new Pondok peacefully not wanting to see any of the DUN and the MP.

I think I will be happy and they will be happier.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

A Wish Is Not Reincarnation

If I can turn back the clock I will never want to be as I am now. In fact if I can turn back the clock, I want to be in the UK, in Cambridge, never mind to some, Oxford is a better place. As much as I enjoyed being in Preston as a student, nothing beats the glory of being a student in Cambridge.

I would be doing a course known as Merchant Banking Studies, never mind if such courses do not exist, never mind I yawn and yawn during the classes, never mind if havent got a clue whats going on in the lecture hall everyday. One thing for sure I wont be doing the boring Law course. Law of Torts, Law of Contract, Law of Equity and all the Laws ever written. To lawyers I know, it is so glorious. The glory of law as far as I am concern diminished long time ago without me realising it. No one told me justice can be bought when I was in law school. The chinese businessman communities I know only knew one law and that is the Law of Kao Tim.

I would be very proud to speak in english with a posh accent. You know the one that sound as if I got a ping pong ball in my mouth as I speak. When someone ask me question, I will answer with sentences end with word "Indeed". "Are you on a diet? Yes, indeed" "How was the food? It was fantastic indeed". And when a cashier at the bank asks "How do you like the money, Sir? To confuse everyone, I would say "I like my money very much indeed".

The question now, if all such wishes comes true, what was I in the past life?

Friday, 8 February 2008

Di Mana Bumi Di Pijak Di Situ Langit Di Junjung

Someone asked me today whether I kiss the hands of the Governor of Nonthaburi, I replied by saying, no I did not kiss his hand. I added, in Thailand you do the " Wai" instead. The "Wai" is done by putting both hand close together, lift it up to your face together with a small bow. Why should I kiss the hands of the Governor when the "Wai" is the most famous symbol in Thai culture. I believe this rather dubious curiousity came from the same person who criticised me for kissing Tun Mahathir's hand.

I can never understand these people, they have high regards in the English culture, they totally disregard the beauty of our culture in particular the culture of the Malays, the Indonesians and the Thais. They are also the same people who believe the culture practice of a wife who kiss the husband hands in the morning before the departing to their office are a complete waste of time. To them the kissing of hands between husband and wife as one sees in the morning serve no purpose whatsoever, it does not contribute to productivity.

To me, as I have mentioned before, they are just Buta Adat. Every now and then when they see someone "Beradat", their blood boils, their hearts in pain, their soul no longer in peace. I can assure you in english culture they have idioms similar to us in this part of the world such as "Dimana Bumi Di Pijak Di Situ Langit Di Junjung."

Had it been 500 years ago, I would have persuaded the Sultan to punished this person by "Sula" and his house, burn to ashes, the remains, be thrown to the sea. All for his ignorant to the Adat and to uphold "Di Mana Bumi Di Pijak Di Situ Langit Di Junjung".
Perhaps he should educate himself by reading Hikayat Sejarah Melayu.

Fearing the Ombak of Politics

It is 5am in the morning, second day of Chinese New Year, no worms out yet, no birds singing yet, no one wake up yet, no one bother to call me yet. Thank God. In 10 minutes I will be hearing the mosque around the corner reciting the Quran before the Azan.

I am glad after the Suboh prayer I dont have to get dress for an official function. I am glad in two hours I am not on my way to an occassion to any part of the country where I will be on stage singing Negara Ku and to do the Yee Sang with the rest of the rakyat. I am glad I do not have to go through pages of draft speeches, approving it in order to read it in front of the rakyat of this great Nation. Most of all, I am glad I do not have to make promises to the rakyat that I will not increase the price of petrol which I know will rise beyond control. If I can help it, I do not want to keep promises I can't keep.

Politicians comes in various sizes. The small ones are the proud politicians, they are also known as jaguh kampung heavy weight type of politician that you see hanging around in the mamak stalls and restaurant day in and day out. They talked about politics everyday. You see them at the same corner of the stalls in the morning and in the evening. They speak louder than words, giving out names of high ranking people they knew and speculate about this high ranking people in a big way. Every evening they will be in the same coffee shop with the same topics until the early hours of the morning. They do not seems to be working the next days or any other day for that matter.

They are extraordinary people, their cholesterol level, normal, no high blood pressure, they eat after 10pm, they drink many cups of sweet tea without the need to go to the toilet, they smoke like a chimney, they just look healthy, when they are not feeling well, they took the local traditional medicine, they love the "ubat kuat" which I am unable to appreciate. Whatever it is, it keeps them alive and kicking again the next day. They are known as the hardcore grass root politician. Without them, they believe, whoever runs that particular area as a State Assemblyman or Parliamentarian will fail.
The bigger politicians are nicer to look at and smoother, very smooth, they dress well, they look as if they are on make up everyday. They smile a lot, they have calmness, they greet you like a sweet receptionist that give you a crush in the morning. Take their handphone number, send sms or call them, you get no reply. Apparently they carry five handphones but only one handphone visible to you. The Ministers are even better, they dont seems to carry a handphone at all.

These politicians make body contact with you, like giving you a pat on the back. I know a politician as he gets to know you closer, the pat on the back goes lower and lower, closer and closer to your butt.

Two years ago I met the Governer of Nonthaburi in an official function, Nonthaburi is a district north of Bangkok. He was also the former Governor of Phuket, like many other high ranking politicians I have met, they are very pleasant people to talk too. Every words that came out from his mouth supplement with a smile. Along the conversation, he spoke of our former Deputy Prime Minister, how he felt sorry of him sacked in disgrace. He also mentioned how he met Anwar when he came to Malaysia many years ago for a friendly match of rugby at the Malay College Kuala Kangsar. Out of curiousity I asked "Your Excellency, did Anwar play rugby?" "No, I dont think he does." said the Governor. " Your Excellency....." I said. " Would you agree with me, if Anwar plays rugby, he would have known how to tackle someone from behind?"
We both laughed.

This reminds me of this beautiful Malay proverbs. Again, I got it from my mum, "Kalau Nak Berumah Di Tepi Pantai, Kenalah Berani Menahan Ombak." Frankly, for now, I am happy to live at the bukit, I do not think I want a house fronting the pantai.

Monday, 4 February 2008


No one has ever say it to me before. I was flattered, she said these beautiful words about me as she sees it. “The Apple must have fall not far from the tree”. I could be the apple of her eyes too. At least I want to feel that way.

It seems everything in this world begins with Apple. The Book of Genesis foretold Adam was seduced by the devil to eat the apple God forbid. For eating the forbidden fruit Adam and his partner got thrown out from the Garden of Eden. For their sins until today men have that Adam’s apple stuck in the throat.

A toddler first few words a part from mama and daddy would be Apple. That no nonesense English man Sir Isaac Newton stunned the world immediately when an Apple fell right on his head. Instead of wandering who the hell threw the apple on him, he did some calculation on the speed of the apple to discover the theory of gravity. Why has he not thought about it while nature call?

You also hear English proverb on apple such as “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” “He is a bad apple in the family”. God knows whether the ever popular apple exists or sold in the market of the Malay Archipelago 500 years ago. Nothing in the Hikayat Sejarah Melayu mentioned about apple neither events that leads the Sultan killing anyone for eating his apple ever recorded by date or myth alike. Otherwise, it could have become our largest export.

Today the Government is cancelling their plan to export our local monkeys abroad. They fear that our monkeys are carrying diseases. Perhaps these monkeys have not been eating enough apples. If these monkeys have no other disease a part from heart disease, send them off to the white caucasion countries. These white countries are always sympathetic of their plight. They are forever willing to take them in their care and feed them apples. We should not be bother to these ungrateful monkeys.

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Kenangan 1

Most of my kenangan or sweet memories are in Kuala Lumpur.

One of the places that I have so much of sweet memories is at Jalan Raja Bot. It is next to Pasar Chow Kit. In the mid 70s and 80s Jalan Raja Bot is the place to go in the evening. It was a part of national past time to be at Jalan Raja Bot whether to shop around the corner or to just to dine. The food a plenty, the people were friendly. Apek sell fruits, Nyonya also sell fruits, the Pak Cik and Mak Cik, the Abang and Kakak will sell anything from kuih to nasi goring, from nasi ayam to satay, the satay definitely a must have, there is no need to go as far as Kajang. No Indian or Mamak stalls along Jalan Raja Bot except one that appears only day time.

The Mamak sell this sweet blended ice, mixed with Santan. Santan on the other hand is a sort of coconut milk mix with noodles like pudding. To sweeten it, it is mix with gula melaka, a sort of brown sugar. Once all this is done, it is known as Cendol. This Cendol was also a target of business rivals, they sabotage alleging the Santan contains worms. The worms kept in a small pouch in the santan is a form of a secret recipe to keep the Santan lasting till evening. The fact is food mix with coconut milk will turn sour by the end of the day.

I always watched him doing the cendol. One hand holding the bowl underneath the stool, the other hand pushing the ice over the blade on top of the stool. Everyday his expression is the same. He doesn’t talk much. He stand by the stall awaiting the customers, on and off he seems to be busy cleaning his work space. There is always no whiter than white towel hanging on his custom made trishaw. You see him cleaning his space of work again and again. When there is no one to serve, he will just keep standing. You do not see him curi tulang, sitting or squatting, he is always ready to take orders, “ Berapa? Satu dua.” The regular Malay customers somehow say it in Tamil. “Mamak!! Cendol Rendek!!”

From time to time I heard him talking to my uncle who is 5 years older than me. Every time when he speaks, you hear him saying, ...India!!! All I heard is India... India….India… and no other word than India. The head is shaking, the hands are moving all the time when he speaks. A year later, as I pay attention to his conversation, India….India….India….India simply means wife in India, children in India, money send to India, end of year, go back to India.

When the hand is not moving, he will grab his sarong, unfold it, flagging it the way the flag wave on the pole several times before folding it back neatly. Whether this mamak realize it or not, below him, 3 feet away, me enjoying his cendol, he leisurely flagging his half folded sarong facing me. So, it is not the worms in cendol that caused the sabotage, it is the smallest of worms known as scientifically as micro worms that the Mamak release while flagging and waving his white sarong.

No wonder they sabotage him.