Thursday, 5 June 2008

Sumpah Orang Minyak

We can’t help it, we follow suit.

On one hand we stop our neighbours from benefiting our petrol and diesel subsidies, on the other hand we took away the subsidies and raise the price of the oil close to the price of our neighbouring countries.

By August, we will be paying about the same price as our neighbours. Why bother stopping them from buying our petrol in the first place?

Did AI swear “sumpah”, in his election campaign he will reduce the price of petrol and diesel by adding more money to the existing subsidies if the Opposition governs? I think he did, many times.

Now, this Petronas money is being use to subsidies our food, so they say. Let see if AI take this away to subsidies petrol and diesel if AI rule.

I have a simple approach, rice goes up, I take rice less, petrol goes up, I drive less, most of all, blame the Americans for invading Iraq. Tell everyone it is a curse.

The curse of the Iraqis, it is “Sumpah Orang Minyak”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

personally i think Badawi and crew have killed themselves with this one...No matter how you explain it to the simple folks (who make the majority) they dont get it. meddling with the subsidies is really a big no no unless you have a better solution. so they say government will save RM13.5 waste where next? The obsession a balance budget should not be the greatest concern...the greatest concern is can you govern well without corruption, without wastage, without prejudice...We the people already pay huge vehicle ownership taxes and road tolls, soon electricity will go up, whats next, how much more do you want to burden us. Is our government so poor that every single sen must count?