In Perak, the Speaker chose to convene State Assembly under a tree, with a “baruah” reciting “doa selamat”. What the hell, if they want to sit under a tree for the assembly sessions, so be it.
Just hope they don’t drag our children out of their classes for sessions under trees too.
Surely many of us in this multicultural society knew where he and his advisors get the idea from if it is not in one of those Rajinikanth movies.
To those who do not know who is Rajinikanth, he is Tom Cruise of Tamil movies. In his movie you will learn wherever he stays, there is always trouble or anarchists of some sort, this Rajinikanth will always appear to sort it out, it gets very violent too. If not he will arbitrate under a tree witness by the whole community, no one speaks except him and parties in question. Go and watch one of his movie to

moment, especially the way he throw his "kain selimpang" to his villains and the way he flip his opponent. Go watch this movie "Padayappa". You will be his fan, I bet you will.
Back to our main issues today, when we were stuck in traffic jams, roads with dozens and tonnes of potholes, our leaders politicians speakers are behaving in the most stupid behaviour they can be.
No change in KL or DBKL since Pakatan walk in the administration of KL, I wonder what sort of people who support them.
The lawyers that they appointed in Ipoh to represent themselves, don’t even know whether they have locus standi or not. What sort of lawyers are they, experience, expensive or just over excited with the big picture going on around the country.
As I said many times before, politician, lawyers, or anyone for that matter that have any relation with Pakatan, do not bloody care about us. They are just bloody corrupt for power, power corrupt, they want that power absolutely, absolute power corrupt absolutely and they all in Pakatan dying for for that power.
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