Friday, 13 March 2009


I was deeply touched when I got to know anak nelayan scored 20 A1s in all her subjects for her SPM. I hope the Government will support her all the way to the best college or university befitting her hard work and determination. She wants to go to the best University in the Middle East, help her to fulfil her wish and desire. RM60 billion means nothing, if she could not get a place that would full fill her dreams.

I hope she will be a fine example one day, where she speaks with grace when she thanked everyone who has help her to fulfil her dreams.

To speak with grace, she needs to be at the right college or university. Oxford or Cambridge are fine example.

Surely we do not want her to speak like Jagdeep, Bettie Chew, Karpal and many more from the Barisan end.

When one speaks with grace, issue of immunity does not arise. I personally think the immunity enjoy by the members of parliament should be removed. They all talk too much without substance. All Muslim knows, the more you speak, the more sins you committed, one of which, you tell people you got numbers, you got the date, you got the traitors to cross over for you but nothing happen, you can't even keep simple promises, yet you keep repeating like a parrot.

What is there to fear? You people are behaving like 'samseng" anyway, taking away the immunity is good, let see, whether you got balls or not.
Semua penakut, thats what you are, its not about doing your job without fear, all of you takut papa, takut jatuh miskin.

Back to anak nelayan, I would like to congratulate her and her family, well done, we are very proud of you. Good luck with whatever you do in many years to come, may all your wishes come true.


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