Friday, 8 August 2008


Sankara Nair told the press, the Charge, the Bail, the proceeding was fair. I wish this statement came from Anwar Ibrahim himself since his road show questions the credibility of the Judiciary even the one held last night at Taman Medan.

Anwar Ibrahim told the press, why charge him alone, the complainant should be charge too.
Dato Seri, both of you will be charge if the complainant is a third party, preferably a witness, direct witness, someone who saw the “voluntariness” “willing giver, willing receiver” like in corruption cases, otherwise only one party will be charge as in corruption cases too.

Someone at Court asked me, “Are you Anti Anwar, you sound like one?.” I replied with a big “No.….lah…..” But then again I told him, “Why is he given so much leeway, it took the AG more than a month to charge him after the completion of the investigation, why can he decline to give his blood sample, why was he allowed to be accompanied by his solicitors during investigation (somehow he spend his night alone at Bukit Aman, otherwise one of his lawyers do not mind spending a night with him), why was he subpoenaed to court to have the charge read to him?” How I wish my clients have the same pleasure.

I didn’t know I have become as someone who is Anti Anwar. I deny I Anti Anwar, I deny I don’t like him, I deny I want to see him jail. I deny it was me who he insisted the AG and the IGP to charge him at Court.

Deny is the word of the day.

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