Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Conspiracy Lagi? Macam Tak Da Idea Lain

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Leave him alone Boys.

Pity him. He really wants to be the next Prime Minister.

Drop the investigation, his American friends ordered us, the not so free tiny nation more compelling than ever, to adhere to their call, that we stop any form of politically motivated investigation. Are we going to please them? If we disobey they will labelled as “Axis of Evil” too. How nice, our future Prime Minister have the Americans “behind his back”. Opps...!!!

What is the point of taking him to Court, to him, them and others, our Courts, our Police, our Law and Order could not be trusted, we are on par with “Banana Republic” with “Kangaroo’s Court”.

Let us all make believe, this is a Second Conspiracy, soon there will be Third Conspiracy, Fourth, Fifth, so on as so forth.

And why do we have to link him to “Budak Jambu” all the time? Link him to CIA ka… Singapore Intelligence ka…barulah berbaloi, ini…tak abih-abih dengan “Budak Jambu”.

“Hang Pa Ni Macam Tak Dak Idea Lain”. Treason is a good one.

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