Why it is so difficult to arrest him? Several days ago, the ACA arrested, charged almost 14 people from the Immigration.
One more thing, why are the lawyers given so much privilege? The lawyers should not have been given the privilege to accompany AI when he give his statements. I can never understand why so much leeway given to this man. Had it been Ahmad, Ah Chong, Muthu under investigation, they will be arrested the day someone lodge a police report against them, put under remand with no visitation rights from any members of the family. And the lawyers, no one will entertain their request, one thing for sure there is nothing the Bar Council can do about it.
Here we have a situation which I will say abnormal, on a normal situation, our police arrest first, then investigate. That is why you hear them going to court seeking remand extension under Section 117. But not in AI case, they announced they are investigating, on last count, they have interviewed 18 witnesses, today they arrest. Actually, thats how it is suppose to be, investigate then arrest and not arrest then investigate which our police normally do.
Anyway, the Balaclava, "karutlah". In terrorists raid "bolehlah". You all ni, banyak tengok wayang.
So what's next? The charge, the bail, the trial.
Question Time for the day Ladies and Gentlemen, Will there be AI road show before trial, will there be scream of "reformasi" at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kampung Baru, Masjid Negara, will there be conspiracy theory?
Lawyers should be present whenever their statements are taken by the police. Investigate then arrest. Charge within 24 hours after arrest. If not release the guy. Abolish the 14 days remand - it is open to so much abuse. Anwar who has been subject to so much injustice should be given a chance to clean up all the shit in the country from Polis Raja Di Malaysia, to the judiciary to Parliament.
Bullshit!!! he think he is anak raja turun kayangan ke?
This guy AI. I dont remember him defending the institution. Raja dia President America.
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