Thursday, 31 July 2008


Those of you who stay indoors, work indoors would not have notice that it was a very hot day yesterday.

The news inside and outside were hot too. There is no news like Anwar Saiful news. The police investigation have reach Part 3 by now. Part 3, yesterday was a delightful one, we will be hearing something fresh today, another hot news and another hot day as I and others with me would have anticipated.

Part 1 of Chapter 1 – investigate, arrest, free and road show.

Part 1 of Chapter 2 – denial denial denial conspiracy

Part 1 of Chapter 3 – who is telling the truth

Part 2 of Chapter 1 –fresh evidence

Part 2 of Chapter 2 – do you trust your doctor?

Part 2 of Chapter 3 – ?????

For the moment, until someone arrested, until Olympic 2008 comes to light, until Puasa which is also around the corner, lets talk about the weather.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008


It has been quiet since the day AI refused to give his blood sample. Now it is getting messy, new medical records surface out of the blue, apparently Saiful seek further medical examination at Pusrawi for unknown reason.

The earlier the authority charge AI, the better for us all, we don’t have to take RPK’s rubbish in producing more and more incredible evidence. There is an alternative way to determine whether the medical record is authentic and should be taken into consideration. To start off, check whether Saiful has ever registered himself at Pusrawi. Next, check whether he took any medicine prescribed by Pusrawi to heal the wound right up his “you know”. Next check his medical bill, ensure it is itemise, then the whole world will learn what was written on the bill when someone got his arse check for abrasion and laceration (if any).

AI held press conference calling the authority to discontinue the investigation since Saiful new medical records shows no sign of “kinky latex buggery” (I laugh when I wrote this), impliedly telling the AG’s Chambers not to bother or even think of charging him at Court.

I think he should have kept quiet about it, if it is genuine and authentic, safe it for his trial, produce it at trial, stunt everyone at trial. Don’t you think? I know for sure the stupid Bar Council disagree with me.

Tuesday, 29 July 2008


I am the type of person who do not enjoy patronising Pakatan Rakyat.

Six months ago I was sceptical about Azmin Ali, especially when he won the DUN seat for Bukit Antarabangsa. Since becoming YB, I don’t hear much of him anymore except for his one day appearance at Surau Bukit Mulia.

Today, I must compliment him for his innovative way of getting close to the Rakyat of Bukit Antarabangsa. At about 10am Sunday morning 27th July, 2008, PKR for DUN Bukit Antarabangsa set up one day Pusat Khidmat Rakyat Bergerak at the most accessible spot in Bukit Antarabangsa. As I approached them, they handed me PKR Buletin, front page, "Minyak Turun 50 sen......". Poodah!!!, I said to myself, I was hoping that they reduce it RM1.50.
Anyway, I was impressed by their warm and manners, when I seek permission to take photos of the Pusat Khidmat Bergerak, they welcome it by saying "Boleh..boleh".
Within minutes of their set up, someone came, must be a residence at Bukit Antarabangsa, sat at the seat provided, filled the Aduan Form and spoke of how much he appreciated their presence at Bukit Antarabangsa. This is something he has not seen before, I added, neither do I nor anyone at Ampang Jaya or Bukit Antarabangsa.

This is a lesson for UMNO MCA MIC and all other components of Barisan Nasional. None of you are approachable to the public, none of you are as innovative as PKR. You in particular UMNO, and your Bangunan Pemuda UMNO or Bilik Gerakan UMNO Bahagian to me are nothing more than Pusat Local Loudmouth and Tin Kosong,

I wonder whether for YB Azman Wahid or former MP Dr Rodziah has ever make the effort to get close to the rakyat the way PKR did yesterday to the people of Bukit Antarabangsa? I don’t think so. Proof me wrong, I like that.
See this!!! It is small simple and sweet.

Sunday, 27 July 2008


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Several years ago, I attended a meeting with Terengganu State Economic Planning Unit at Kuala Terengganu. At that point of time Terengganu State Government was lead by PAS. We were welcome by them as if we were VVIPs. Gladly and proudly so, we were chauffered driven later to Dungun, from Dungun to Kemaman with two Mercedes Benz State Official cars, its written “Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu” at the registration number. It was a non-issue then.

If the Government feels so much about the use of Proton Perdana for Government officials, they should extend the use of our national car to welcome Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the many foreign countries visiting us. Do not bother welcoming them with Mercedes or BMWs.

As we all know, the British will use the Rolls or the Jag, the Americans, the Lincolns, the Koreans, Hyundai when welcoming foreign VVIPs, we should follow suit with the Greatest Car of All Time in Malaysia, the Proton Perdana.

It is one of the best marketing tool for our national car. Tell them the Perdana is 10 years old model which we facelifted from time to time, the technology, engine, chassis, engineering is 20 years old which we bought from Mitsubishi. Common sense tell everyone if the model can last this long, it must be really good. We then compare our Proton to BMW 5 series before the current facelift. Sure sell one. Having said that a house mate once said, "Get yourself a car, not a hip". At the moment my Perdana look like a Hip.

Saturday, 26 July 2008


I can never, will ever, ever and ever agree with the Americans, not when they interfere in our domestic affairs in the manner they did for the past few weeks and all the more yesterday.

They choose to ignore we are a sovereign nation. They insist we treat their blue eye boy wonder AI with love tender and care whatever costs it may be.

Who are they to tell us, we should take extra care in handling AI. Who are they to tell us our rule of law is not good enough.

Why can’t they take care of their own house at Guantanamo Bay. Every minute we hear abuse of human rights torture miscarriage of justice total breach of human rights.

In reply to their request that we exercise full transparency in our rule of law in Anwar’s case, we should say to that “Witch”, “Since the Government of Malaysia has given their assurance to be more transparent, than we think Brother Anwar should give his blood for DNA”

“And Miss Rice, we are a sovereign nation, we are the First Muslim Battalion that guard the Queen of England and Wales, have some respect will you. Next time when you say something to us, we will no longer polite neither rude, we will just ask you to Go Away And Fly Kite.”

Thursday, 24 July 2008


Image of Stesyen Keretapi Tanah Melayu di Singapura

Our former colony will never stop wanting everything from us. Now they want to claim the territorial water, EEZ around Batu Putih, it is in line with the Convention, so they said.

Soon they will say, Johor is part of Singapore, they are merely allowing us to rule Johor on their behalf. This former Colony of ours will further claim they have all the papers and documents to support it. Their forefather Raffles have it all written down, and later states, “Sorry Bro, the Original Document got sunk with “Jack Sparrow” on its way to England.

Being small within the Malay Archipelago requires creativity in order to survive. I must say, this former Colony of ours done very well for themselves. They have become very rich, very organise, very proud of themselves until they got bored of themselves. To make their life more interesting they go around the world to annoy irritate and disturb the peace of the neighbouring countries as far as China. We are the closest neighbour, we surely close to their heart, getting us busy by being territorial sure is fun for them.

I don’t think they dare to do it to Indonesia, not when a one eye former President identified them as “Small Dot”.

Every year, this former colony of ours will demand something from us, 50 years down the road, to be calculated from 1965, they will demand an apology for kicking them out from Malaysia.

Why can’t we be like them, forget about being rich like them, we should find ways to annoy them too, our boys at the Foreign Office must find ways to review ICJ decision. “Selepas itu,” build as many Deportation Centre bordering our former Colony.

Any suggestions?

Tuesday, 22 July 2008



Between a Mercedes and a Proton Perdana? Given a choice, if I have the money, I take the Mercedes. It costs more but it runs better with less headache of the usual Proton.

My first Proton was the old “Tin Planta” Proton Saga” which I bought it second hand. By Eastern European Standard in the 1980s, Proton Saga was a must have, it is manual transmission and its heavy steering helps you to build muscle around your arms and shoulder. What to do, "dah nasib".

Then I got the Wira, a good car then, I don’t know whether I should be proud of it when I saw similar car in Thailand with Mitsubshi badge all over the car. The car served well by its standard, well done Mitsubishi although I find it is a boring car to drive.

I also got myself the red aeroback Iswara, it performed like Saga, it makes squeeky sound too, after 3 years the dash board shakes and make a lot of noise, I got to let it go. I don’t get much pleasure in driving this car. How do I say, after driving for one hour, I feel the pain all over my body, its very tiring when driving this car.

Then came the Waja, a much comfortable car, better design and handles well but it got one hell of accessories defects, it seems to be everywhere, from windows motor, mud guards, tyre flaps, gear box, radio, cd player, dash board shaking after 3 years. The spare parts are not cheap either, I can never forget I have to replace the window motor four times and it costs me RM450 per window motor each time. My partner who got the premium version sold the Waja for the same reason.

Finally, I drove the much proud Perdana, executive car by Ketuanan Melayu standard. By that standard I did not expect the never ending Gear Box problem.

These cars mentioned above, are symbol of Ketuanan Melayu, you the Menteri and MPs and Government Officials can drive them.

By the way, I did not own the "Ice Box, Washing Machine lookalike "Juwara".

And thank god, my partner now, drives a Mercedes, I am very happy for her, that is "Lifestyle", for myself until I have the money, I become the slave of my Perdana, that is "No Style".

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Justice For Those Who Rules Sahaja?

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YB Loh, kicked and or slapped on the face? He was assaulted by someone who is suppose sing and dance together with him, ya…lah a member from the Pakatan. Tan Sri Khalid was quick enough to tell everyone, they forgive and forget. Where is justice when your boss speaks before you? You are the victim.

YB Loh, The kicking and slapping is nothing, it is only a tip of the iceberg. Just thank God no one spit on your face yet.

On another issue, The Bar Council was warned not to interfere with police investigation.

This supposed to be Independent Body to oversee the legal profession, to uphold justice and all that bull of legal jargon about law and order, from my observation are not free from political inclination and taking sides in their views. These people argue over almost anything, the members most of them have no common sense, they argued over RM100 increment on the subscriptions fees several months ago.

I find the Bar Council is a waste of time and money. My money of course, I do not benefit anything from them. Every year I have to meet the mandatory date line to pay subscription fees with so many other unneccesary fees. “Sakit hati, sakit jiwa.” To me, it is good money go into bad, especially when I disagree with most of their views.

I have something to tell them, “no one should be compelled to be a Member of the Bar Council in order to practice in the legal profession.” “Its oppression, undermining the rule of natural justice”.

"Lagipun that blue certificate can be issued by the Court. Itu yang laku. Faham...."

Friday, 18 July 2008

Are You Afraid of Giving Blood Sample?

Free Anwar!!! He is free today. Not a bad day for him, release, press conference etc.

He is free despite of his refusal to give his blood sample for DNA test. Has it been either you or me, there will be a remand extension application. Once the remand extension application granted, we will be taken back to our cell where we shall wait for the beating by those who may concern until we give our blood sample.

Lucky you Anwar, none of those things happen to you, don’t count your blessing.

He further expressed his frustration, “Sedih” he has to sleep on the floor, the exact words in Malay, “Tidok Atas Simen”. I know a lawyer who slept on the floor while under remand, he also “Sedih”, even more “Sedih”, on his “Simen, Ada Piss”. “Dah nasib”, this lawyer said.

Lets wait and see to the “Nasib” of AI’s lawyers if they keep on trying to obstruct the police in the course of their investigation. “Jangan Jadi Nasib Labu Labi Sudah.”

AI belief his blood sample will be tampered, it seems bringing his personal doctor to observe the taking of his blood sample won’t help, he trust no one.

Someone even said to me and it goes like this, “Macam2 lah Anwar ni, orang tu tak percaya, orang ni tak percaya”. And I told her, that could be our next PM.

Another person, on the "Balaclava" said to me and it goes like this, “Kesian dia, dah tua-tua orang buat dia macam ini”. “Wronglah”, I said to her, “You should have say, Dah tua-tua jangan buat begini.”

And we both laughed. Not a bad day when every radio stations reported massive traffic jam and the locations of the many road blocks around the city.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Charge Lah... Apa Takut...

Arrested!!! At last, I have been waiting for it. Expected but not this long.

Why it is so difficult to arrest him? Several days ago, the ACA arrested, charged almost 14 people from the Immigration.

One more thing, why are the lawyers given so much privilege? The lawyers should not have been given the privilege to accompany AI when he give his statements. I can never understand why so much leeway given to this man. Had it been Ahmad, Ah Chong, Muthu under investigation, they will be arrested the day someone lodge a police report against them, put under remand with no visitation rights from any members of the family. And the lawyers, no one will entertain their request, one thing for sure there is nothing the Bar Council can do about it.

Here we have a situation which I will say abnormal, on a normal situation, our police arrest first, then investigate. That is why you hear them going to court seeking remand extension under Section 117. But not in AI case, they announced they are investigating, on last count, they have interviewed 18 witnesses, today they arrest. Actually, thats how it is suppose to be, investigate then arrest and not arrest then investigate which our police normally do.

Anyway, the Balaclava, "karutlah". In terrorists raid "bolehlah". You all ni, banyak tengok wayang.

So what's next? The charge, the bail, the trial.

Question Time for the day Ladies and Gentlemen, Will there be AI road show before trial, will there be scream of "reformasi" at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kampung Baru, Masjid Negara, will there be conspiracy theory?

Wednesday, 16 July 2008


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The Debate between Anwar and Shabery reminds me of the day when I was in the UK watching Question Time. It was lively, the Tories and the Labour really knows the way to ask and to reply to the questions put by the panelist and members from the floor.

I was hoping something more intellectual rather than the one we have tonight. Many of things said by AI can be watch from Youtube, clips from the many of his speeches in the last election. For Shabery, I didn’t expect that he perform so well for someone I thought would be trash by AI before he even speak, he loss his grounds from time to time, but recovers quickly too. Nevertheless the only setback is his personal attacks on AI past records, he should not have brought it at this debate.

All in all, the debate shown live on TV 9 was a good start, it would have been better if all, the panelist, the chairperson, AI and Shabery sits on some sort of designer bench and stools like the one in Question Time.

By the way, if you ask me, why no AI photo? My reply would be, not many people know Shabery.

The Question now, who won the debate? The Rakyat? No lah... No one. Not until someone reduce the price of oil.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008


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Why must Pak Najib entertain the wild allegations made against him by using the name of Allah?

It is reported today in The Sun that Pak Najib on Thursday before 900 grass roots leaders swore that he never knew Altantuya.
"I even swore in God’s name ... Wallahi Wabillahi Watallahi ... that I do not know this Altantuya woman at all….”.

I strongly believe, let those who raised the wild allegations against Pak Najib that he had secret rendevous with Altantuya produce all the evidence and witnesses. If they fail to produce evidence and witnesses they are one who should swear first, "In the name of Allah....Wallahi...Wabillahi... Wataalahi..... "And, if they do, then Pak Najib can deny the allegation by doing the same. Then we and all parties concern can go home.

Then, we can all go to bed peacefully and then, we wake up in June 2010.
And then we will have a PM, and then, Insyaallah, God forbid, it won’t be RPK. Que Sera Sera.

Monday, 14 July 2008

Boycott Britain Again!!!

Note: This flag was used by the participants from Malaya at the British Empire Game 1950 held in Auckland.

Rocky Bru call to Visit British Last is very much welcome.

There is nothing more despicable than another country living in past glory imposing so many rules and regulation to us. I find it an insult, their forefather came to our country knowing that we have every thing their country need so much over 100 years ago. Rubber, tin, very relax people and most of all weather. We were the Jewel of the Crown.

Reasons given by the British Home Office for the recommendation to impose visa to Malaysian visiting Britain, there are too many Malaysian entering Britain seek jobs and work illegally, carrying bogus passport and in most cases overstaying.

In six month we will know whether they are going to impose visa to Malaysian visiting Britain. Do you know they plan to ask 53 questions for those entering or leaving Britain by mid 2009.

For the time being, if you have the need to travel to Britain and the immigration officer ask too many questions that you find irritating and annoying, this is what you do:-

Tell them “Our forefather never asked anything including a passport when your forefather came to our country.”

Friday, 11 July 2008

MB of Perak Arrogant Betul !!! Episod 2

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What do you do when the Menteri Besar of Perak says you don’t deserve to ask questions when you could not answer his question? As a matter of fact this MB will not answer your questions. Let say he answer your question with a question. What a Plonker!!!

Says who whether the press, reporters or us have to answer to your question before we answer your question. We or anybody for that matter can ask questions we like including asking the colour of your "seluar dalam" and your job is to answer those questions.

This berlagak pandai MB not so smart. If you dont like to answer for whatever private reasons you got, pandai…pandailah jawab. Just answer the question, do it politely, just say no politely if you cant, just say “I could not answer that Love, its private and very personal.”

Please bear in mind, you do not deserve to be MB of Perak or anywhere with your arrogant, kurang sopan and kurang ajar in public. It is the States Constitutions that put you where you are today. If you can't take the pressure of your job, Quit!!! You are not indispensable.

And one more thing, you can speak thousands of languages as your mother tongue, if you have no manners, arrogant, kurang ajar, macam samseng, we know how you were brought up, Finish !!! Dont argue with me, I on the other hand, dont like your face.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Why So Much Hate?

image source: img174.imageshack

“Where are the police? We miss them”. As he speaks, he was smiling, grinning ear to ear. Seronok betul. True the police presence at Kelana Jaya Stadium Fuel Protest was small for a big event organised jointly by Pakatan Rakyat.

No police about except plain clothes, the crowds are as free as flocking birds, free to do as they wish including beating one member of underground band. It gets even better when later MB Khalid, in an interview seems to approve the beating by just saying “Lain kali Jangan Buat Lagi” to the Band. May I add, “Buat Lagi, Kami Bantai Lagi, Lagipun Polis Tak Buat Apa.”

I have something to say to you know many of the police you hate so much or laugh at now, would look like an angel from heaven when your car got stolen or when someone attempt to break into your house? You ungrateful people, if you don’t like them so much do not insult them in public. I am sure it hurts them and their family.

Thank god my father is not a police officer otherwise I would feel the shame too with their constants insults, I will surely ask my father to leave the force and jual air, burger, T Shirts, banners at Stadium Kelana Jaya.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

100 Hurrah!!! My One Hundred Posts

image source: coxandforkum

How I wish I could attend the enchanted evening of All Bloggers 100 days held at Damansara Heights. It is open to all Bloggers, unfortunately I don’t have more than 100,000 hits, since I started blogging early January Darihulu have a few thousands hits, that is all, not much, so I dont think I deserve to be with the Top Gun Bloggers.

The same evening, several Bloggers decided to go on strike. Bloggers on Strike!!! Why not? Bloggers need a break too. I will celebrate my 100 posting in Darihulu with Sweet Raw Tuna.

While Bloggers on strike, Pak Lah took the opportunity to throw the big stone on Bloggers head on Monday morning. Good one Pak Lah, that’s the way it should be, wrong too Pak Lah, I don’t slander neither lie nor do I spread irresponsible rumours in my blog. I believe many of them share my views.

To be honest, blogging give me vasts opportunity of expressing my wishes thoughts and desires in the form of writing, writing as I was taught is an art, on top of that, blogging has become a tool for me to put in my complain on record, I am free to express my opinion on issues crop up from time to time. Blogs has been a very useful tool of the Millenium since television.

And frankly, I don’t want to put my complained to any of PKR or PAS MPs and DUNs in my constituency, I do not vote for both of them.

Jangan marah Bloggers only, marah also Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Gang?

Sunday, 6 July 2008

The Whole Truth, When?

Two Statutory Declaration from the same person as if one is not enough? The later denying th contents of the first SD.

One seems to be done on free his will, the other alleged to be under duress. At the end of the day, my question would be, which one is the truth? There could be truth when sworn under duress. There could no truth at all if one is good in not telling the truth.

The truth will prevail says Najib. “See you in hell!!!” No, no such words from Najib, surely he doesn’t want to quote the famous words used by RPK, not when RPK want to implicate his wife.

The truth is, no one really knows who to believe. There are just too many Statutory Declarations around us. Too many theories, who are the people benefiting from these? You tell me.

I am still waiting for another Statutory Declaration.
When will that be?

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Latest Statutory Declaration, Husin Lempoyang

It is reported today the Director of Malaysia’s Military Intelligence said “…the MI report (Altantuya) which was mentioned in RPK’s SD is not true. Since I took over my position my position as Director of Military Intelligence, it has not come to my attention that this report existed.”

Why can’t the military give silent treatment to RPK’s SD? Let RPK prove the things he said in his SD. No one should entertain RPK’s SD in the form of admission or denial.

Intelligence should remain intelligence especially Military Intelligence.

Anyway, nothing beat Hussin Lempoyang Statutory Declaration,
I wish I can write the way he write.

Friday, 4 July 2008

The Malay, The Least Political ? Read D G Hall

image source: flickr

Those who were already dead will choke if you bring them back to life today. Let see the things we have in hand todate.

1. Father Prime Minister, Son In Law, MP cum Personal Advisor;

2. Mother MP and Head of the Opposition Party, Daughter MP, Father Advisor to the Opposition Coalition;

3. A week ago someone alleged in a Statutory Declaration the Deputy Prime Minister’ wife involvement in the murder of Altantuya,

4. Yesterday another someone else alleged in another Statutory Declaration the Deputy Prime Minister had relationship with Altantuya;

5. The First Statutory Declaration also states the involvement of the Prime Minister and his Son in Law;

Soon there will be another Statutory Declaration affirm by a 23 year old “Budak Jambu” naming the Advisor of Opposition Coalition.

DG Hall in A History of South East Asia wrote “Before the war the Malays are the least political society.”

Bring back D G Hall to life, he will choke to death.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Conspiracy Lagi? Macam Tak Da Idea Lain

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Leave him alone Boys.

Pity him. He really wants to be the next Prime Minister.

Drop the investigation, his American friends ordered us, the not so free tiny nation more compelling than ever, to adhere to their call, that we stop any form of politically motivated investigation. Are we going to please them? If we disobey they will labelled as “Axis of Evil” too. How nice, our future Prime Minister have the Americans “behind his back”. Opps...!!!

What is the point of taking him to Court, to him, them and others, our Courts, our Police, our Law and Order could not be trusted, we are on par with “Banana Republic” with “Kangaroo’s Court”.

Let us all make believe, this is a Second Conspiracy, soon there will be Third Conspiracy, Fourth, Fifth, so on as so forth.

And why do we have to link him to “Budak Jambu” all the time? Link him to CIA ka… Singapore Intelligence ka…barulah berbaloi, ini…tak abih-abih dengan “Budak Jambu”.

“Hang Pa Ni Macam Tak Dak Idea Lain”. Treason is a good one.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Read And Weep

image source: imarawoman

Read and weep again, this is the conclusion of the dissenting (disagree) Federal Court Judge Datin Paduka Rahmah Hussain in the Federal Court Judgement published in this blog yesterday.

"Overall there is no reason for me to disagree with the conclusion of the trial Judge when he said this : [at pp.316 – 317 (2001) 3 MLJ] "

“This brings me to the question whether the defence has raised a reasonable doubt on the prosecution case. I have carefully considered the evidence adduced by the prosecution and the defence as a whole. My conclusions are as follows :

1) it is my finding as a fact that the alibi of both the accused does not cover the whole of the period between January to March 1993 as stated in the charge. The alibi covered the period only from 4 February to 31 March 1993 and is therefore incomplete. The defence of alibi therefore fails;

2) the defence that both the accused never went to Tivoli Villa at 7.45 pm between January to March 1993 also failed based on the evidence of Azizan which I accepted as truthful and reliable;

3) the defence of conspiracy to fabricate evidence has not been substantiated by admissible and cogent evidence adduced by the defence. This defence also failed;

4) the voluntariness of Sukma’s confession (P4) is affirmed;

5) the truth of P4 has been established as far as it relates to both the accused;

6) there was corroboration on the evidence of Azizan;

7) the credibility of Azizan is affirmed;

8) Sukma has not cast any doubt on the prosecution case of abetment against him. There is ample evidence adduced that he abetted Dato’ Seri Anwar in committing sodomy against Azizan;

9) It is my finding that the defence evidence on behalf of both the accused as a whole has not succeeded in creating any reasonable doubt on the case for the prosecution;

10) It is also my finding that the prosecution has proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt on the charges against both the accused.

I accordingly found both Dato’ Seri Anwar and Sukma guilty on the charges against them. I accordingly convicted Dato’ Seri Anwar on the charge against him. I also accordingly convicted Sukma on the two charges against him.”

In the circumstances, and for the reasons hereinabove stated by me, I would therefore dismiss the appeals by both the Appellants, against their convictions on the charges preferred against them respectively.