Tuesday, 9 December 2008


We rushed out of the house with the children, Syabas technician still working at the fire hydrant, obviously unaware of the landslide.

I went to the balcony again, a quick look, the earth still rolling at Bukit Mewah, I heard people screaming, it is 3.30am. My immediate neighbours were sound asleep, like Syabas workers, they were unaware.

Along the way, we decided to drop the children at my mother in law’s house, we make a few phone calls, one of which to call someone who live in at Bukit Mewah along the path of the landslide.

“Where are you now?” “Singapore” he said. “Your house…” at 4am I told him that his house could be affected by the landslide. Sound aware of the situation he said, “Have a look at it please, one of the neighour told me, the landslide may have affected the kitchen”. “I will.....” I said”. “.....I will keep you inform...”.

Glad he is not at his house, glad all of his family are safe with him.

To be continued.

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