Wednesday, 12 November 2008


Seremban UMNO Division meeting that turns to free for all brawl is not new, we heard incident of throwing chairs at Wanita UMNO Division meeting several weeks ago. I was told today several branches boycotted UMNO Division meeting. Do you know those who boycotted the meeting, kept quiet and shy away are the good ones?

UMNO members as a whole dissatisfied the way UMNO is run, dissatisfied money politics are rampant more than ever, dissatisfied UMNO are run by certain parties who only care about themselves. Best words of describing it “The way they run the Division as if UMNO Parti Bapak Dia”. March 2008 has not taught UMNO anything other than blaming Pak Lah.

From Perlis to the South, from Johor straight up to Kelantan you will hear hue and cry of potential candidates being block from contesting and money politics, a trend welcome by many who want to see UMNO crash to the ground in 10 years time. UMNO as a whole does not seems to progress to better cleaner and highly respected image.

I suggested to a couple I know leaving for Hajj tomorrow to carry UMNO flag while performing their Hajj and pray UMNO do not disappear from Tanah Melayu. We laugh of course, we know UMNO is now a complete joke.

Jokes aside, Selamat Mengerjakan Haji to you both Dee and Nees.

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