Friday, 14 November 2008


image: the racist Mat Salleh.

Are you racist? I think we all are, every morning we curse at someone and make racist remark at the same time. The moment we commute to work in the morning we make racist remark if not sexist remark.

The best racist joke, if you want to call it racist, was told by a close friend 25 years ago, a Sarawakian Punjabi to be exact, and it goes like this;

A Pak Cik went to a market one morning, at one of the stall he saw three baskets of Ketam. Each basket has different colour, a Red Basket known as Ketam China, a Green Basket known as Ketam India and a Yellow Basket known as Ketam Melayu.

The Pak Cik find it strange that Ketam Melayu basket was unlid whereas Ketam China basket and Ketam India basket were lid tightly, so he asked the Vendor, “why the two, Ketam China and Ketam India baskets lid and sealed whereas Ketam Melayu left open unlid?”

The Vendor reply, “Ketam China and Ketam India will climb up the basket if left unseal or unlit.” The Pak Cik asked again, “Aren’t you worry Ketam Melayu will climb up too if left unlid?”

The Vendor reply with a smile, “I have no worry about Ketam Melayu, every time when one Ketam Melayu climb up, one Ketam Melayu will pull him down.”

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