Saturday, 29 November 2008


Whenever, whereever I can help it, I refrain myself from commenting on the most controversial issue of them all for this decade, none other than yoga edict (fatwa).

Majlis Fatwa a body responsible in issuing fatwa, did a great job in dividing us Muslim, I guess that is what ulamak and guru do best for the past 1400 years since the day of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wafat.

I got up at 4.30am several days ago, a rare occasion, I pray, I recite the Yassin, a bit of Zikr while waiting for the Azan of Suboh. After the Suboh prayer, I watched CNN BBC switching all news channels available, then I do the “yoga” followed by breeze walk.

Tell me now, would it be “haram” to take a few moment of breathing exercise by way of “yoga”? Let it be clear to this Majlis, I don’t recite any “mentera” or “puja”.

Someone told me, doing a few minutes of “yoga” a day would help those with ED to get it up again. May be someone should tell this discovery to the Majlis Fatwa, I can assure you they will reverse the “fatwa”, if not provide an exception and guideline to practice “yoga”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fatwa yang di keluarkan dari ulama adalah jelas dan bukan bertindak melulu.dan bersebab.btul saudari amalkan yoga tidak disertakan dgn mantera tapi apa yang diharamkan oleh fatwa apabila pergerakan yang diikuti dgn pemujaan dan etc.dan rasanya saudari harus membaca fatwa yang di keluarkan dgn lebih jelas,bukan hanya mengambil tajuk utama 'yoga haram'
contohya seperti yahudi yang memakai kopiah kecil,haram bagi kita memakainya kerana mengikuti amalan yahudi,sama jugalah jika kita memakai cross ,walaupun sekdr hiasan, ini juga yang hendak disampaikan oleh majlis fatwa.semua berasaskan as-syura.bukan main cakap2 shj,
sekuranng2nya alhamdulillah ulamak2 msia bukan tergolong dlm glgn yg frantik spt di timur tgh,lagi byk mazhab.atau pun paling dkt di indonesia.