Saturday, 29 November 2008


Whenever, whereever I can help it, I refrain myself from commenting on the most controversial issue of them all for this decade, none other than yoga edict (fatwa).

Majlis Fatwa a body responsible in issuing fatwa, did a great job in dividing us Muslim, I guess that is what ulamak and guru do best for the past 1400 years since the day of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wafat.

I got up at 4.30am several days ago, a rare occasion, I pray, I recite the Yassin, a bit of Zikr while waiting for the Azan of Suboh. After the Suboh prayer, I watched CNN BBC switching all news channels available, then I do the “yoga” followed by breeze walk.

Tell me now, would it be “haram” to take a few moment of breathing exercise by way of “yoga”? Let it be clear to this Majlis, I don’t recite any “mentera” or “puja”.

Someone told me, doing a few minutes of “yoga” a day would help those with ED to get it up again. May be someone should tell this discovery to the Majlis Fatwa, I can assure you they will reverse the “fatwa”, if not provide an exception and guideline to practice “yoga”.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008


image: Afghan road sign and racist Rumsfeld

Of all the issues ever raised by all the politicians, the most stupid and ridiculous is about multilingual road signage. In the beginning it was headed by that witch Teresa Kok when she planned to put up 4 languages street signage all over Kuala Lumpur.

At Seputeh she put up “Jalan Muhibbah” illegally, 4 languages road sign to reflect Malaysian, so she declared in Singapore tabloid. Stupid. Don’t you think? Muhibbah is in the heart not on road signage. And if I am not mistaken Seputeh residence mostly are Chinese, where is the Muhibbah? Try put it up at Cheras.

Like “Penyakit Berjangkit” it went up to Penang. They justified the move in the most insulting way to our intelligent, ““Let no one doubt that the DAP respects and upholds Bahasa Malaysia as the country’s official language. We even amended our party constitution in 2006 to reflect the language’s official status,”. I think that racist Guan Eng fail to add, “we DAP fall sick when sees Malay and Jawi road signage only.”

In China, in Thailand, in Russia, or anywhere where no one have a clue whats written on their road signage, they put up English language.

Any other than that whether Teresa, Guan Eng or whoever supported the idea of more than just national language and international language as road signage worth to be noted as our proud racist MPs and Minister, since there is nothing wrong with Bahasa Melayu.

Saturday, 22 November 2008


Today Anwar proclaimed he got Sabah and Sarawak Opposition MPs united. Anwar finally will form a Pakatan Rakyat Government. Its all hard work, no play.

I like his confident level, he doesn’t quit, he keeps on trying and he just never give up. That is the spirit that we the rakyat look for from a leader. After 16th September he finally got a cunning plan, he managed to unite the Opposition in Sabah and Sarawak to be on his side.

In the alternative, just in case when all these effort continues to be disappointing, get the many of your Indian friends to assist you. No, not getting more support, I think Hindraff is 100% behind you. Just get an Indian fortune teller that carry bird cage around town to give you a date so that you can declare a new date for take over from the present government.

Hope you get one, I am referring to fortune telling bird, get a new date from the bird like the one shown above.

The last date you predicted, 16th September, was bad for you.

Friday, 21 November 2008


I can’t believe it when Razak Baginda proceed to have press conference which was call off a few weeks ago.

It should not have been held, many have forgotten about him, it is our society “Mudah Lupa DNA”. With the exception of a few bloggers who have not finished with him, he could have just keep himself subdue. But then again he rather clarify several issues straight including that photo of him with Najib and the deceased.

The truth, there are many out there who bought the authenticity of the photo, they believe in whatever RPK or the rest of his alliance wrote. Our society has change so much, we tend to have more faith to those who want to send everyone to hell rather than those who swear by the Quran.

Fancy doing dissertation on that at Oxford?

Wednesday, 19 November 2008


What in the world do these people have in mind?

DAP baik, PKR baik, Anwar or Kit Siang, when someone among them charge at court, to them it is politically motivated.

Ronnie Liu, that anarchist type of MP, was charge for obstructing an enforcement officer while peforming his duty, to be exact he was charge for aiding and abetting patrons and workers to stop one local officer from closing a hotel.

They even claimed someone behind the charge playing this Malay Chinese sentiment. Where do they get that from? As far as I know the Government can charge anyone even for crime committed 50 years ago.

Kelana Jaya YB Loh reported as saying no one other than Ronnie Liu has been charged. Actually Loh, you must know this, consult your lawyers first before you say anything legally sound. It is up to the prosecution, they choose who to charge, others can be witnesses, in this case Ronnie Liu charged, others present during the raid can be the witness for the prosecution. So, issues of selective prosecutions do not arise at all.

Now, Ronnie Liu and his supporters like RPK can question about the bail, why Anwar given personal bond but when Ronnie Liu's counsel ask for it, it was denied by the court. That is racism, don’t you think Ronnie? Try raise that Ronnie, I dare you.
You people are riding high now, aren’t you.

Monday, 17 November 2008


Ever look forward your Monday? Ever believe in freedom of expression?
If you do, today is the day, Gerakan Reformis Rakyat Malaysia is holding demonstration at Bangunan Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah at Shah Alam. They will strip naked for a good cause, about housing for the poor. The State Government is increasing the price of low costs houses and apparently they are not happy. There is no other way to protest than to walk towards the State Government building naked. It will surely make a lot of differences, I suppose so.

We are moving forward aren’t we? We are a Nation not only progressing as the most democratic country in South East Asia, we are now the most liberal in expressing ourselves.

Do not expect the type of nakedness tomorrow as vis a vis fine art nudity. Believe me, it is going to be hell, a sight expected but not to be seen, any photos taken at site, unworthy of gallery.

Let’s wait what the Bar Council says about that, I wonder whether they will still stand by that freedom of expression principle they care so much about, in particular of such manner?

Friday, 14 November 2008


image: the racist Mat Salleh.

Are you racist? I think we all are, every morning we curse at someone and make racist remark at the same time. The moment we commute to work in the morning we make racist remark if not sexist remark.

The best racist joke, if you want to call it racist, was told by a close friend 25 years ago, a Sarawakian Punjabi to be exact, and it goes like this;

A Pak Cik went to a market one morning, at one of the stall he saw three baskets of Ketam. Each basket has different colour, a Red Basket known as Ketam China, a Green Basket known as Ketam India and a Yellow Basket known as Ketam Melayu.

The Pak Cik find it strange that Ketam Melayu basket was unlid whereas Ketam China basket and Ketam India basket were lid tightly, so he asked the Vendor, “why the two, Ketam China and Ketam India baskets lid and sealed whereas Ketam Melayu left open unlid?”

The Vendor reply, “Ketam China and Ketam India will climb up the basket if left unseal or unlit.” The Pak Cik asked again, “Aren’t you worry Ketam Melayu will climb up too if left unlid?”

The Vendor reply with a smile, “I have no worry about Ketam Melayu, every time when one Ketam Melayu climb up, one Ketam Melayu will pull him down.”

Wednesday, 12 November 2008


Seremban UMNO Division meeting that turns to free for all brawl is not new, we heard incident of throwing chairs at Wanita UMNO Division meeting several weeks ago. I was told today several branches boycotted UMNO Division meeting. Do you know those who boycotted the meeting, kept quiet and shy away are the good ones?

UMNO members as a whole dissatisfied the way UMNO is run, dissatisfied money politics are rampant more than ever, dissatisfied UMNO are run by certain parties who only care about themselves. Best words of describing it “The way they run the Division as if UMNO Parti Bapak Dia”. March 2008 has not taught UMNO anything other than blaming Pak Lah.

From Perlis to the South, from Johor straight up to Kelantan you will hear hue and cry of potential candidates being block from contesting and money politics, a trend welcome by many who want to see UMNO crash to the ground in 10 years time. UMNO as a whole does not seems to progress to better cleaner and highly respected image.

I suggested to a couple I know leaving for Hajj tomorrow to carry UMNO flag while performing their Hajj and pray UMNO do not disappear from Tanah Melayu. We laugh of course, we know UMNO is now a complete joke.

Jokes aside, Selamat Mengerjakan Haji to you both Dee and Nees.

Sunday, 9 November 2008


Lets celebrate, I am happy the Court free RPK although I am one of those people for ISA . On the other hand, I am not happy to see RPK free, he will go back telling everyone facts after facts which either you love it or loathe it.

RPK left Shah Alam High Court with a beautiful Rolls Royce, I suppose it is not his, whoever make arrangement to pick him up with RR must have high regard of him or person or persons who benefited so much from his writing.

Several weeks ago I saw someone proudly worn a black T Shirt written “I am with RPK”, what a fool, I thought to myself, you are not with him, he is inside and you are outside.

Soon we will be seeing someone put on a T Shirt “LEAVE RPK ALONE”.

Soon we will be hearing the Appeal of the High Court’s decision.

Perhaps it is too early to celebrate.

Saturday, 8 November 2008


An Obama leaders in Malaysia?

Singapore Times quoted Pak Lah who said it is possible, quoted Lim Kit Siang in his blog that states there will be strong protest. Be realistic, it is possible, as for now it is impossible.

700 years of House of Commons, 250 years of Congress, just over 50 years of Malaysia Parliament.

30 years ago Haji Hadi in one of his ceramah said he will support non Malay to be Prime Minister as long as he is a Muslim.

Yes, me too, I would like to have a Kadazan or Iban or any of those Sabahan or Sarawakian natives as a leader wouldn’t you?

It would be colourful. In the past we have colourful leaders, look back, for a start look at Tunku.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


I am for Senator Barrack Obama. I want him to win, the polls shows he is going to win. It won't be easy, anything can happen. Knowing the US, those who do not want him to win will do all sorts of things to ensure Obama will not win in this Presidential Election.

If the US can convince that stupid Congress of WMD, they can do just about anything and got away with it.

A friend suggested about time our Government send Malaysian as observers to monitor the US election. As free as the US can be, they are not free from election fraud or rigging.

Vote Obama. Wai... here's a joke send by my usual source:

A teacher in Jackson, Mississippi asked her 6th grade class how many of them were McCain fans..

Not really knowing what a McCain fan was, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for Little Johnny.

The teacher asked Little Johnny why he decided to be different. Little Johnny said, 'Because I'm not a McCain fan.'

The teacher said, 'Why aren't you a McCain fan?' Johnny said, 'Because I'm a Democrat.' The teacher asked why he's a Democrat. Little Johnny answered, 'Well, my Mom's a Democrat and my Dad's a Democrat, so I'm a Democrat.'

The teacher asks, 'If your Mom were a moron, and your Dad were an idiot, what would that make you?' With a big smile, Little Johnny replied,' That would make me a McCain fan.'

All The Best Obama.


Why do I have to post comment every time when Parliament is in sessions? Why do I have to repeat the same thing about our MPs?

Did I say our MPs got no class? Yes I did but then again let me be specific, large number of our Opposition MPs got no class at all.

Look at the way they behaved in Parliament today when the new Finance Minister deliver his closing speech on the Budget, Mahfuz, Jeff Ooi, Tian Chua and many more “macam orang tak reti bahasa”. These are the people who teaches our children to be “kurang ajar”, its true, believe me. They were nothing more than people without good manners where the “Mak Bapak Tidak Ajar” not to interrupt others as they speak.

When the situation got worsen out of their stubbornness, they got thrown out, they want it , they ask for it, they want to walk out, it gives them time and space, to blog, to do ceramah, to go to Court, to talk to the media, it’s a trick, volunteer to walk out or get kick out. A trick to get their own holiday.

Talk about wasting tax payers money, these are the idiots that waste tax payers money, they do waste tax payers money.

Read my previous posting.

Sunday, 2 November 2008



Act 1

Low Siew Moi appointed as Acting General Manager for PKNS, being non Malay for the top job, although qualified, several Malay groups from UMNO to PAS called for action which bring Act 2.

Act 2

Dr Hassan Ali of PAS protest the appointment of the new PKNS boss, it is the same Dr Hassan Ali who was seen standing next to MB Khalid when MB Khalid clarified his stand on giving more rooms for non Malay to join UITM, Dr Hassan Ali was seen supportive, that is good acting by Dr Hassan Ali considering his stand of the new Acting GM of PKNS which brings Act 3.

Act 3

PAS newspaper Harakah reported PAS accepted the appointment of Low Siew Moi with open heart which contradicting Dr Hassan Ali earlier stand in Act 2 as such Act 4 is imperative to determine whether there was bad acting in all scenes, Act 1, Act 2 and Act 3.

Act 4

Dato Haji Hadi, front page Mingguan Malaysia today wants an explanation from his friends in Selangor, I pressume MB Khalid, on the appointment of the new Acting General Manager for PKNS. Dato Haji Hadi acting for whom?

Cut…Cut…Cut!!! What is there to explain? Who are you? MB Khalid is not answerable to you. It is his prerogative. After all it is Acting Post, Acting General Manager for PKNS.

Ever since Dato Shah Rukh Khan saga, everyone wants to act and it gets better, as good as the acting of their mentor leader peers and Prime Minister In Acting/Waiting Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

If you do not see your DUN, MP, Minister they probably “tengah shooting/acting".