Two weeks later they called again to remind me to enclose photocopies of identity cards when submitting the papers. Then to my surpise, I was told the State will only give money to those whose income is less than RM1,500.00 per household.
I didn’t shout at the MPAJ girl that call me, I just said very nicely macam Anwar, “Siapa pulak yang gaji bawah RM1,500.00 di Bukit Antarabangsa ni!!! Sewa disini paling murah RM800.00.!!! Itu pun kalau rumah tu berhantu.!!!”
Sakit hati, honestly I think Khalid who was from the corporate sector only cares about numbers, not people. He only cares of how much money he can save for the State, in total contrast, on the day of the disaster, Pak Lah announced the Federal Government will compensate the victims, Khalid on the next day announce the State is not going to compensate the victims since the land is private land.
Khalid… you stupid man.. when a house burn to the ground, the victims in our tradition as caring society will be first taken care by the State. The State’s DUNs and MPs will raise all sorts of donations and contributions. The State wherever possible will give all sorts of assistant to build the victim a new house. It is part and parcel of the State’s duties to the people. You don’t tell the victim, your house is a private house, there is not much you can do about it. You tell that to the tsunami victims in Kedah and Penang. I am sure they will bury you alive.
Useless MB....How I wish there is another election here at Darihulu like the upcoming By Election at Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau, Bukit Lanjan.
Add Bukit Antarabangsa By Election Please......
1 comment:
I sincerely think what Khalid wanted to know is how many of you in "International Hill" pangkah PR during last GE.Not the one with less than RM 1500 p/m household income. But that girl from MPAJ pun org BN kot...that is why the point did not come out!!!
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