Sunday, 22 February 2009


The Work Minister announced Pak Lah's cabinets approved RM70 million to stabilise the slope at Bukit Antarabangsa, Apparently work begins next week, I do appreciate the attention and urgency given by the Minister.

I was relief, happy although not overjoy. remain hopeful, the federal government compensate those whose houses totally destroyed by the tragedy.

The State Government on the other hand remain subdue, as for now they do nothing, they repeated they will not compensate, they will assess the situation until the cows come home, they want the report, where is the report to enable the State pointing fingers and blame someone else?

This is Pakatan State Government lead by MB Khalid who is not people’s people. This is the State Government who told us it is private land, therefore the landowners must bear their own costs to stabilise the slope, they are not oblige to even look into it, their hands are tight, they will do nothing.

If they do not want to do anything, its up to them, I hope the Federal Government ignore them and carry out the work to repair the slope and beautify the whole area as they plan.

What I do not want to see, “Lembu Punya Susu, Sapi Dapat Nama”, off late Pakatan always claimed credit for good things done by BN other than witch hunting.

Be careful Khalid, this Lembu year is no good for you.

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