Tuesday 10 February 2009


Everyone stop, everyone who enjoys the current political scenario of Pakatan Huru Hara off late stop from talking, eating, buying when they saw Karpal Singh on TV 3 prime news.

“Anwar must resign…. bertaubat!!! …… I have enough of them!!!” He goes on and on the way he usually speaks at court during submission, chose he words carefully to put his point as the way he usually submits at Court. Kalah menang lain cerita, tell something new, something that strike the oil and not boring. That is Karpal Singh if you do not know him, as to why he stands out in Court and in Parliament.

Anwar and Karpal, jauh panggang dari api. Anwar is all noise, all about making noise. As much noise as he can, stomping or stamping his foot, banging the stand where he speaks, hit the microphone to make that thunder sound. Trust me, I observed this pattern of him for a long time.

Here is a good one, he roll words beginning with letter “R”, like Rrrrampas..!!!

Now, Anwar is all over Perak telling the people of Perak, Pakatan has no intention of suing Tuanku Sultan Perak.

Do you think Sultan Azlan wants to see you? What do you want to say?
Tuanku, you are wrong, we are right?

Karpal is alone, he is wondering, dah tua tua ni, dunia yang kejam or Anwar yang kejam.

What say you ?

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