A dream come true, it was. A dream I will never forget. A dream to share with all I know.
One of the main beauty of Istana Anak Bukit, as you enter the main gate, a short drive to the Istana, you will be passing a wooden bridge, it look like it has been existed since the day of time, it is so well preserved. I wonder who could tell me the myth, events and all stories worth telling so I can pass to generations to come.
On my first day, I accidentally took the wrong gate, even then, to get to the Istana, you have to go to the wooden bridge to get to the Istana, except that you come across a sort of mini zoo of fairy tales animals such as birds, deers etc.
One of the three things that caught my eyes as I enter the main hall before I make my way to the Balai Rong Seri is the huge paintings of Al Marhum Colonel HH Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Hamid Halim Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad Taj ud-din al-Mukarram.