Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Youth? What do you know about them?

The called by UMNO Youth Chief to win back young voters has come to a situation where it is better late than never, it is also a realistic situation of easier said than done.

Young voters I met are fed up with UMNO, large number of them really hate UMNO. All of them would say the same thing, if UMNO at branch level are unapproachable, all the more at top level. Someone told me, "Kalau nak rasa macamana malunya jadi ahli UMNO, ini lah masanya, duduk lah mana-mana kedai mamak, UMNO mesti kena kutuk."

The other set back, go and ask for Borang Permohonan Ahli, then wait . The wait for the Borang Ahli will be so long, "Macam Menunggu Buah Tak Jatuh, or a classic way of saying it, "Anak baru lahir, sampai bercakap dan berjalan belum tentu dapat borang".

Lets be honest and face it, UMNO leaders are boring, they dont seems to support the real youth, the every day youth, the college boys and girls, the entrepreneur boys and girls, the lepak that sits watching every bloody football matches at mamak stall. Instead what they did, they send several Mat Rempits and one over weight UMNO head to the Artic. Thank god, no ice broken incident while he land on the ice at the Artic. Otherwise the humiliation would be worst than an election defeat.

Do you know one of major factor on why the Voters change their mind was Mat Rempit? Yes, those nuisance that rode their bikes with BN and UMNO flags on the eve of the voting day.

Get close to the Youth now, dont talk politics, they get bored, listen to their dreams and desire, be supportive, smile when they criticise, most of all, be visible.

UMNO leaders after election, invisible.


Anonymous said...

"Youth" or Pemuda in political sense should mean people below 25 years old, even then 25 is already to old, but since asians mature late 25 is reasonable. Anyone above 25 to 55 is already considered FULL ADULT members...55 and above are Senior Adult members. However if you have been in any Party for more then 15years you are considered a Veteran member, if not your are just a ordinary member. All members of voting age who have been a member of the Party for more then 30days should be allowed to vote and if you have been a member for more then 12 months can be nominated to be a Party leader. Enuff of having OLD people claiming to be Party Youth... YOUTH should also stay youthful....and this rule should go to all political parties....

By the way a majority of PKR members are rempits in love with AI's already married daughter!!! Should see her supporters at the Bangsar rallys!!

Anonymous said...

yeahhh right... the 'facebook'... but whr is she now... no where seen in bangsar after election... busy feeding baby i guess...