Friday, 2 May 2008

The Arrogant of Menteri Besar Perak

Dato Nizar, do you really think you can do whatever you like? Do you think the Raja and his Rakyat stupid? Do remember they voted you in to be a Menteri Besar and not a Raja.

This is a situation I once mentioned, “ Kalau Dah Beraja Di Mata, Rasa Macam Raja Di Sembah”. They are not even 100 days in Government, they have started to show their true colours. Asking someone to leave office within 24 hours, is definitely an act of anarchy by a Menteri Besar.

Dato Nizar, we were told you were an IR engineer, you speak more than 4 languages plus several Chinese dialects but don’t think you can dismiss anyone who doesn’t follow your whims and fancy. Dont be arrogant.

Not only you are being watched by the Rakyat who are getting smarter but you are also being watched by the Sultan and his Raja Muda who happen to be smarter than you.


Anonymous said...

what do you expect he is only an engineer who benefitted probably from a BN Government scholarship in his uni days but also now choose to forget what it means to be Malay with his disrespect for the Sultan...

Anonymous said...

power will corrupt...more so if you come from the kampung...