Sunday, 18 May 2008

Our Pleasure or the King's Pleasure

It is confirm the AG has to act on the Royal Commission report.

Let start with the Bar Council, they can form their own Board of Inquiry specially design for Lingam, then to Disciplinary Board. Judicial notice shows the Inquiry may commence without the need for an official report from any member of the public or in particular member of the Bar.

Next, investigation against Tun Mahathir, do you really want to investigate Tun? In his testimony Tun stated under oath, " he can’t recall the events, Lingam was just his lawyer. "

Tun could have reward Lingam by appointing him as High Court Judge should Lingam have any influence on Tun. Everyone I know do not mind to be a High Court Judge.

Most of all, it is Tun’s prerogative to appoint anyone to be Chief Justice of Malaya, as much as appointing AI as Deputy Prime Minister in December 1993.

On the rests named in the Royal Commission Finding, let waste the public money in furthering this investigation until someone is charge for our pleasure. Apology, the King's pleasure.


Anonymous said...

I wonder what will the Bar Council think about your views here..Maybe u should write something about them.

Anonymous said...

bar councill... ? which bar? wht bar? i just know bar where people get drunk... bar drunken master hahahahah