Thursday, 1 May 2008

Our MPs, No Class At All

What I saw in Parliament today was appalling. During PM Questions Time their behaviour, were unhealthy. It seems it was worst than a “Pasar”. They were screaming at each other, two of them calling names, from “Big Foot,” to “Big Monkey”. Someone stand up and asked them to “Shut Up”. All of them were like “Orang Tiada Akal”.

I do think the live telecast in Parliament aired for 30 minutes should be rated 18x or rated PG.

Lim Kit Siang was on top of his voice, as usual. Karpal and his son play Mr Smart Arse, as usual. They were pointing fingers at each other, as usual. They were so uncivilized, as usual. They were debating technical matters, nothing new about that.

Do you really think all these technical jargons you raised in Parliament will bring food to the rakyat the next day?

The truth of the matter, all these Members of Parliament have forgotten the Rakyat, they only care about their voices, they like to hear themselves, they love themselves so much, what was worse for us, “They got no class at all.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The rakyat can hire and the rakyat can fire.

Just remember that and with God as our witness we shall not fail to do that if you fail to do what you promised to do.