Saturday, 17 May 2008

Ways To Get Under One's Skin

Ten Ways To Get Under People’s Skin

1. Tell everyone you are Prime Minister In Waiting;

2. Tell everyone Pak Lah should resign except you;

3. Tell everyone the Sultans are wrong and you are right;

4. Tell everyone you are on hunger strike because jail food are tax payer money;

5. Tell everyone you identified Sirul and Azhar although you have not met them all your life;

6. Tell everyone you like to kiss Keris;

7. Tell everyone you are a first time Member of Parliament and it is ok to be forgetful;

8. Tell everyone its over your dead body for an Islamic State;

9. Tell everyone it is alright to do peaceful demonstration at your door step;

10. Tell everyone you are “IRON MAN”.


Anonymous said...

Darihulu's arrogance and views also get under one's skin. He talks like he knows all...of course it takes one who gets under other people's skin to despise others who is like him..darihulu wants to be the only one who gets under one's skin..his skin is so thick i dont think this comment of mine can get under his 'iron man' skin.

Anonymous said...

Darihulu has used Philips and Allyn's book cover as his own. I wonder if he has got the authors consent to use their book cover in his blog..I wonder if Phillips and Allyn would put a new way to get under people's skin in their new book - by not being original and using other people's copy right..

DARI HULU said...

Philips and Allyn's a book i read like any other book. Nothing wrong in the new IT world to show the cover of a book I read.

Anonymous said...

11. Tell everyone i can say anything because i sit in a wheel chair..

12. Tell everyone I can write anything about anyone (true or false) because my name starts with Raja.... yes if you are a Rajagopal or Rajamaniam you can also do the same...

13. Tell everyone I know KJ or AI personally...both the same..

14. Tell everyone I am CM of Penang...I am so right that everyone is wrong...

15. Tell everyone who criticizes PKR, PAS or DAP that they are arrogant... "if you can dish out shit you must be willing to eat the crap"

carry on DH, at least you are not scared of comments and criticism not like RPK who vets every comment and publish only favourable ones...

Anonymous said...

eh stupido, how can it hurt Phillips and Allyn when they get free advertising, not like DH claimed it was his book...why not comment on what he writes rather then the graphics he uploads... or is it you can only see nice pictures but not READ...."scatterbrains wat niet kan lezen moet niet schrijven"

Anonymous said...

stupido loves to see the cover.... fall in love with the cover... shud i call stupido blondy stupido.. is stupido blond? hahahah

Anonymous said...

dont forget :-
15) happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you... now its time to tiup lilin... hahahah mk a wish too...