Saturday, 26 April 2008

Kiss The One That You Love

When I was a young boy, I was fascinated with many stories on mystical of Keris such as keris flying searching for his Master’s enemy, Keris Taming Sari which Hang Tuah used to kill Hang Jebat or someone who actually hide his Keris by keeping it inside his elbow.

As I grow older, I saw only the King or Sultan kiss a Keris. This Keris is known as Keris Kerajaan. I also notice the Malay Keris are very short, except for Taming Sari.

The Portuguese Pirates must have a good laugh when they saw our defence mechanism, a tombak made of bamboo and a keris, which is about 6 inches long. They came and took over Malacca in 3 days. No record of anyone kissing a keris in Hikayat Sejarah Melayu before the battle, not even Hang Tuah.

I am glad finally Dato Hishamuddin apologise for kissing of a keris three years ago. Until today, I wander, why he took a keris and kiss it in public.

Kissing a Keris, to me is sacred, it should only be left to those who know about keris or just leave it to the King and the Sultans to kiss the Keris. It is suffice to say they do it as symbol of power and strength of the Malay or Malaysia, it is their duty and they deserve it.

You, Dato Hishamuddin, don’t deserve it.

So, what do you plan to do with the Keris? UMNO ada museum ka?


Anonymous said...

someone said that there is a 3 prong solution in ancient bugis philosophy for conflict resolution, the tip of the tongue to resolve conflicts thru discussion, dialogue, consultation, the tip of the penis to strengthen family and friendship bonds through marriage and sex and the tip of the keris to go to war. So rather than using the keris, one can always use the penis to resolve dsiputes..For an education minister to waive the keris is bad example for the young. But he talks the power of the penis..that is an interesting subject for everybody.

DARI HULU said...

very clever. however I disagree Hishamudin is capable of being interesting regardless of the subject he talk about.