Before I continue, I must say this, this is also the concern expressed by Tun Mahathir in his speech, "......if the opposition governing the 5 States, in particular Selangor perform well, if there are no revamps of UMNO by end of the year, then, by the next election, UMNO is no longer relevant. "
Hill View
Indeed, the new Menteri Besar Selangor is moving to the right direction, he is doing the right thing, it is the best of them all, no more development on the hills and slopes. I would like to bring your attention to Ulu Kelang, as reminder, Highland Towers, Hill Side Ukay Heights, Bukit Antarabangsa (no life taken, almost) and Kg Pasir Hulu Kelang. These are the areas where stop work order should be issued indefinitely.

Hill View

Kg Pasir
So, if the present Government is serious about it. Then I urge you to issue stop work order with immediate effect at Kg Pasir, Sg Sering, Bukit Antarabangsa etc.
To that, I must say, well done. Keep up the good work.
You have finally give hope a chance to be fulfilled.
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