Thursday, 3 April 2008

Hey! Its April Fool Everyone Part 2

Events at Singgahsana

In fact there were no bottles flying except on one occasion. One smart arse bloke, introduced himself as a member of UMNO Cawangan Shah Alam. He regarded himself as “Professional”. This is during questions time from the floor to the three panel speakers. He seems to be very sure of himself, lots of confidence, an idealist, aren’t we all when we were young. We were the people who believe we can change the world, we want to be vocal, critical and sound like a left wing, it is something we are proud of, a sign or symbol of highly educated person and so they say.

I did notice him standing patiently waiting for his turn, probably his first, perhaps his last appearance during question time in such an event. He will be proud of himself if the question is good question, he will go back with pride, live to tell about it for so many days, weeks, even years.

Of course that didn’t happen, I am the one who is now telling. His question sounds like this..... “ Why can’t UMNO except Dato Seri Anwar in UMNO again ?”, something to that effect.

To that question, no reply, since everyone started to shout at him and gave him the booing, suddenly it gets rough, mineral bottle starts to fly, those sitting close to him, at least five of them walk towards him, one of them start to push him, one of them took the mic from him and the one he will have to choose whether to tell about it or not, actually grab him by his neck and drag him out of the room.

Poor soul, on All Fools Day, he could be contemplating by now whether to join Parti Rakyat or perhaps start a new Party and name it “Parti Alam”. Go Green, its trendy, if you can’t beat them, join them.

To be continued.

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