Monday, 21 April 2008


I can never forget YB Tian Chua. We first met one Saturday at PJ Magistret Court.

I was assigned by the KL Bar Legal Aid Centre to act on his behalf, just in case he is charge at Court. I can’t remember what it was all about. It was 10 years ago. But I do remember, no one wants to go court on Saturday and I was the idiot worth sending to give Tian Chua a piece of justice he deserved, that is the right to be represented by a solicitor.

After 2 hours of waiting, no charge was read to him, no remand extension application was heard either. He was to be released by Police Bail. I spoke to Tian Chua, “...they are going to release you, don’t do it again.” Something like that.

The journalist, photographers, a number of NGOs including Suaram were at the police station, anxiously waiting for Tian Chua’s release. It was another long wait, the police station ran out of Bail Book. Believe it or not, they actually ran out of Bail Book that hot Saturday afternoon?

I was nearly arrested myself, little that I know that I must obtained visitor’s pass at the police station before gaining entry. Little that I know this hardcore activist who sat in front of Federal Reserve Unit truck will be a Member of Parliament one day.

Like many of them, Tian Chua is no different than any other MPs, except he is an activist turn politician, he makes promises, he gives us hope. After all, we live on hope. I hope YB Tian Chua deliver to the Rakyat all his promises.

Today, this hardcore activist said he is sorry for his failure for not submitting parliamentary questions. He forgot it seems, after all it is his first, it will not happen again, he promised.

YB Tian Chua, you can forget, we rakyat don’t and we won’t.


Anonymous said...

yes, tian chua can now stop acting like anarchist, he can make the promised changes or crawl back under that rock he came came from...what is ideal and what is real are two different things...

DARI HULU said...

and yes and yes and yes. Tian Chua now took foto with KJ. Have it been you and me, they will call us org KJ. Bloody Hell, whatever we do is wrong.