Monday, 8 September 2008


16th September, 2008 is not far from the date line of Anwar’s dream to take over the Government. He repeated from time to time there are many BN MPs going to “lompat” party. If I am not mistaken, according to him as many as 30 MPs.

“Lompat Party” is not something new, it has occurred several times, mostly from the Opposition, MP’s from PAS, PBS, DAP had cross over to BN for many years. BN should not worry when their MPs decided to jump to Pakatan. After all Pakatan seems promising. If Pak Lah, as Anwar said “bagi gula-gula” to the rakyat in the last Budget, Anwar also gives gula-gula, guli-guli, balloons, ole ole and many more. As long as it is not peanuts, the potential cross over is imminent.

My advice to those potential traitors, “Look before you leap”.

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