I am for anything fast. Fast food, fast music, fast money, fast car and all the more fast train.
Those who oppose the fast train project gave a rather lame excuse such as no money can be made on public transport. I dont think the Japanese and the French would share their views. The other reason given, not everyone can afford it, since the fare is going to be as high as paying a trip to the moon.
If that is the case, we keep both the slow train and the fast train running. The slow train runs by the Keretapi Tanah Melayu, known as the Inter-Kampung, the fast train known as Inter-City, borrowing the name of the UK Inter-City train, runs by the Corporation.
On how will the corporation that propose the idea make their money, it is up to them, it is their business, they will provide the cash flow, the future profit and loss for the funders and shareholders to argue over it, it is none of our business.
Having fast trains like the French TGV is about having more choices in life on mode of transportation. Some would prefer to drive, some fly, some would rather enjoy the easy ride of luxury coaches and some like me, would enjoy very much fast train for a day return trip to Singapore, after all it is no longer cheap to drive to Johor Baru or Singapore.
This well-oiled machine from Japan will transport you economically throughout Tokyo and way, way beyond. Rural area like Gemas would enjoy the benefits of this clean, fast, efficient public transportation.
Okay, not every train goes 160 MPH - But some really do, and in quiet comfort. A fast train, equivalent to 280KPH, is definitely great, great, good choice.