Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Mari Main Wayang

They said, to be a good politician, you have to Main Wayang.

Of late, many of them Main Wayang. But the one I can’t stand is the Wayang of Syed Ali Al Habshi. God knows whatever “wayang” he was playing when he blame everyone for the lost of BN except himself. Today he asked Pak Lah to resign from all party posts.

There were days when he mentioned Pak Lah's name, it is as if Pak Lah is his close friend, he can’t wait to tell everyyone he is meeting Pak Lah, he is busy with Pak Lah, he is leaving the country with Pak Lah. Every word he says, will end up with Pak Lah’s name.

He realise his Hari Raya Open House at Cheras was talk of the town, those who came and those who watched seems to say, “ Thank God, the All Mighty has made us in such a way that we are unable to read or hear others think.” I dont think he knew the public said such words.

The Hari Raya Open House must be 5 times bigger than Dato Zulhasnan Open House with 5 star hotel food spread and entertainment. You must see the fireworks display, it is as big as New Years Eve. VVIPs are everywhere for him to show off his close connection with number One man in the Country.

To thank him people all over Cheras voted for the opposition, Dato Zulhasnan survived, by one simple reason, he is not Dato Syed Ali Al Habshi.

Saturday, 26 April 2008

Kiss The One That You Love

When I was a young boy, I was fascinated with many stories on mystical of Keris such as keris flying searching for his Master’s enemy, Keris Taming Sari which Hang Tuah used to kill Hang Jebat or someone who actually hide his Keris by keeping it inside his elbow.

As I grow older, I saw only the King or Sultan kiss a Keris. This Keris is known as Keris Kerajaan. I also notice the Malay Keris are very short, except for Taming Sari.

The Portuguese Pirates must have a good laugh when they saw our defence mechanism, a tombak made of bamboo and a keris, which is about 6 inches long. They came and took over Malacca in 3 days. No record of anyone kissing a keris in Hikayat Sejarah Melayu before the battle, not even Hang Tuah.

I am glad finally Dato Hishamuddin apologise for kissing of a keris three years ago. Until today, I wander, why he took a keris and kiss it in public.

Kissing a Keris, to me is sacred, it should only be left to those who know about keris or just leave it to the King and the Sultans to kiss the Keris. It is suffice to say they do it as symbol of power and strength of the Malay or Malaysia, it is their duty and they deserve it.

You, Dato Hishamuddin, don’t deserve it.

So, what do you plan to do with the Keris? UMNO ada museum ka?

Friday, 25 April 2008

Until The Cows Come Home

In 1988, Mr Karpal Singh was detained under the ISA, he must have suffered a lot, his accounts on his owns words, “the cell was infested with insects and mosquitos.” The cell, “ 13 feet by 10 feet.” He was also suffering from severe back pain and kidney complication. Sob….sob.. Okey I sympathise. But if any of you out there remember, Mat Sabu gave a rather humourous account of it when he was with the "Bayi" in Kamunting, that makes me laugh until today.

But then again, a jail is a jail, just learn to stay out of it. Mr Karpal doesn’t seems to learn. He has been more outspoken than he was before to the extend of criticising Tengku Faris of Kelantan on Ketuanan Melayu, he is aware no one will send him to Kamunting while he is on a wheel chair.

He want everyone in Kamunting to be released, which I disagree on a very simple principle and Mr Karpal may have known himself. “Good Guys Stay Out Of Jail, Bad Guys Goes To Jail.”

If Mr Karpal think he or she is wrongfully jail, then it is written for him as much as those who he had free from jail or the gallow on technical grounds. Of course, we can argue over this until the cows come home.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

DBKL, Sack Them All

Tanah Perkuburan Ampang is one of those places I visited from time to time. Almost every member of my family were buried at this burial ground. It is one of the oldest cemetery in Kuala Lumpur with more than 13,500 graves. It has all the facilities of a park with walking pavement, street lighting, rubbish bins, public toilet, parking space and a number of DBKL workers. These workers, a part from being the grave diggers, do the maintenance work at this cemetery.

Many prominent names were laid to rest at this place I regard as "Suci" including Tan Sri P Ramlee, Biduanita Saloma, Tan Sri Mubin Shepard, Roseyatimah, M Sharif, Ungku Omar (The Founder of Polytechnic Ungku Omar) and Raja Tan Sri Mohar bin Raja Badiozaman, just to name a few. These are the people, in their life time have contributed so much to the nation, I believe they should be given the same respect as much as when they were with us.

Sometime 2 years ago, DBKL appointed a contractor to do maintenance work of grass cutting surrounding the graveyards. The contractor apparently came twice a month. The work done by them I notice, do not equal to the work previously done by the grave diggers. These grave diggers not only work at the cemetery, they live in the quarters next to the cemetery. Surely their contribution and dedication is like someone who look after their own home.

I know at least 5 of them who have been working at this cemetery for nearly 20 years. They knew who and whose family laid to rest at each and every corner of the cemetery. They knew which grave visited by the left ones and which is not, rain or shine they will always have stories for each and every grave.

Nowadays, for almost two years, when I visited the cemetery, it doesnt has the beauty “Seri” of a park I use to know. The grass, always long, dried leaves everywhere, it doesn’t have the Aura of a place I once knew as “Suci”.

I can never understand DBKL, why do they appoint contractors to do the maintenance work. For many years the grave diggers were doing a good job, why the change? Why change a system that works so well for so many years?

I was wondering, who do you sack in DBKL for making this wrong decision?

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

DBKL, Sack Them All, Useless People.

At Jalan Jelatek, opposite the Dewan Serbaguna was once a pleasant site of children playground, play pen size park and a lake. It was closed almost a year ago by DBKL to give way for facelifting.

I was passing the playground this evening, I saw the lakes and the once children play ground fenced in blue zinc, the contractor must be BN supporter, I thought to myself.

I was wondering why there are no workers, no machines, materials on site, as if it left abandon by the contractor.

No wonder the public got angry all the time with DBKL, they close the only public park at Dato Keramat, just to have it abandon. What were they thinking, what was in their mind, where are their senses? Nice humble park with children playground, now abandon.

There must be a way to sack all these useless decision makers in DBKL. Why do we allow them grow old in the City Hall with their old way of thinking and working?

Monday, 21 April 2008


I can never forget YB Tian Chua. We first met one Saturday at PJ Magistret Court.

I was assigned by the KL Bar Legal Aid Centre to act on his behalf, just in case he is charge at Court. I can’t remember what it was all about. It was 10 years ago. But I do remember, no one wants to go court on Saturday and I was the idiot worth sending to give Tian Chua a piece of justice he deserved, that is the right to be represented by a solicitor.

After 2 hours of waiting, no charge was read to him, no remand extension application was heard either. He was to be released by Police Bail. I spoke to Tian Chua, “...they are going to release you, don’t do it again.” Something like that.

The journalist, photographers, a number of NGOs including Suaram were at the police station, anxiously waiting for Tian Chua’s release. It was another long wait, the police station ran out of Bail Book. Believe it or not, they actually ran out of Bail Book that hot Saturday afternoon?

I was nearly arrested myself, little that I know that I must obtained visitor’s pass at the police station before gaining entry. Little that I know this hardcore activist who sat in front of Federal Reserve Unit truck will be a Member of Parliament one day.

Like many of them, Tian Chua is no different than any other MPs, except he is an activist turn politician, he makes promises, he gives us hope. After all, we live on hope. I hope YB Tian Chua deliver to the Rakyat all his promises.

Today, this hardcore activist said he is sorry for his failure for not submitting parliamentary questions. He forgot it seems, after all it is his first, it will not happen again, he promised.

YB Tian Chua, you can forget, we rakyat don’t and we won’t.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Barang Yang Lepas Jangan Di Kenang

Last night I went out with an old friend, we were class mate, now practising and an active member of the Sarawak Bar. He was at the dinner when Pak Lah expressed his regret and wrong doing of the Executive. Pak Lah also announced the formation of Judicial Appointment Commission, no apology from the Government to the Lordships, victims of Malaysia's 1988 Judicial Crisis.

"An apology is good for the Country." he said. As you would have expected, I disagree, "..no apology, not from the Government..," I said.
We would have wasted so much time arguing over it. The same goes to whoever think the Government should apologise. Theres no end to it.

Fed up with it, I smile and said "Barang Yang Lepas Jangan Di Kenang."

And I add, "We Malaysian have a way of burying the hatchet, there's no need for us to please anyone in the West to bring confidence to our Judiciary."

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Nasi Dah Jadi Bubur, So Get Back To Work!!!

The recent numerous calls by many for Pak Lah resignation has come to a very serious stage of "Sudah Terhantuk Baru Tergadah."

Thank God, the Cats and Dogs, the Chickens and Ducks do not speak like we do, otherwise we will hear these creatures call for Pak Lah resignation too.

Why blame Pak Lah alone? How about MIC? MCA? GERAKAN? PPP? These leaders of the coalition, all of them losts their Parliamentary Seats, they are not resigning from their post. It seems true enough when one 'terhantuk', one will look up, wondering what cause the pain, one curse but one will never blame one self for being careless.

To me, "Nasi Dah Jadi Bubur", why dont you noisy people get to work. The 100 days is just around the corner. You will be adjudged again.

Monday, 14 April 2008

Your Choice and Mine

I am for anything fast. Fast food, fast music, fast money, fast car and all the more fast train.

Those who oppose the fast train project gave a rather lame excuse such as no money can be made on public transport. I dont think the Japanese and the French would share their views. The other reason given, not everyone can afford it, since the fare is going to be as high as paying a trip to the moon.

If that is the case, we keep both the slow train and the fast train running. The slow train runs by the Keretapi Tanah Melayu, known as the Inter-Kampung, the fast train known as Inter-City, borrowing the name of the UK Inter-City train, runs by the Corporation.

On how will the corporation that propose the idea make their money, it is up to them, it is their business, they will provide the cash flow, the future profit and loss for the funders and shareholders to argue over it, it is none of our business.

Having fast trains like the French TGV is about having more choices in life on mode of transportation. Some would prefer to drive, some fly, some would rather enjoy the easy ride of luxury coaches and some like me, would enjoy very much fast train for a day return trip to Singapore, after all it is no longer cheap to drive to Johor Baru or Singapore.

This well-oiled machine from Japan will transport you economically throughout Tokyo and way, way beyond. Rural area like Gemas would enjoy the benefits of this clean, fast, efficient public transportation.

Okay, not every train goes 160 MPH - But some really do, and in quiet comfort. A fast train, equivalent to 280KPH, is definitely great, great, good choice.

Sunday, 13 April 2008


Dato Zam, last year and now really think bloggers are stupid.

Dato Zam, do you realise how stupid you sound when you were interviewed by Al Jazeera on Bersih demonstration. I do think those who call and participate in the demonstration were stupid but they dont sound as stupid as you. You sound so stupid.

Dato Zam you must know this, it is these stupid people that throw you and your companion out from the government forever. Good Riddance!

If you do not know what Good Riddance means, it simply means "Good To See You Go Forever".

Or even better, "Your Loss Is Welcome".

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Who Do You Blame?

When the Rakyat are not happy, they blame the government. When the present government want to make themselves happy, they blame the former government.

The Selangor State Government, now headed by PKR approved high tech pig farming put the blame on the former Government. Tan Sri Khalid again and again reaffirmed it was the former Khir Toyo Government that approved the high tech pig farming, the new Government merely endorse it. Llike any other Government do during crisis, PKR point fingers too. That makes them no different than the previous Government.

If the PKR Menteri Besar know it is not going to be a popular decision to approve it, why not just scrap the project. By the look of it, it is cheaper to import than to build RM100 million high tech pig farm.

Tan Sri Khalid, you are the Menteri Besar, why dont you put a stop it, table it again before the new Exco, put 10 or more valid reasons and scrap it, that is all you have to do. Unless you have other hidden agenda on the former Government.

There was a time Tun Mahathir was called by many names including Maha Khinzir. Surely, you do not want PKR be known as Parti Khinzir Rakyat.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Why Cant We Just Be Proud?

For three days since my last update, I have no idea of what to write in this piece of diary known as Blog. It seems all the good ones that mark 1 million hits or more writes about politics.

I don't read much newspapers these days, so I thought I read The Sun today, it was interesting to read Tun M's open letter at page 7 of The Sun putting his case against the the former Director of ACA and in particular Dato Param Cumarasamy. It was even more interesting to read the Federal Consumer Association thought it was a bad idea to send more than 100 of our First Batallion to perform their duties as the Queen's Guard in London.

On Malaysia Hari Ini, I watched with great interest the ceremony of the changing of Guards at the Istana Negara. Apparently it is perform twice a month and only on Saturday. In 1991, I was invited to watched Trooping the Colour in Honour of the Queens Birthday from the Horse Guards Parade. It was an event I wish we have it here at home.

So, it was good to know 122 of the First Batallion will be send to London by Mid April for two months to perform their duties as the Queen's Guard at Buckingham Palace, St James Palace, Tower of London and Windsor Castle. I cant wait to see our boys, largely dark skin gurkhas lookalike walking, marching, parading around Buckingham Palace with "Sampin". Mind you the English call it "Skirts". Dirty Buggers arent they?

I was even more pleased to know they chose Malaysia after Canada, Australia and Jamaica.

The excitement was put off when the Federal Consumer Association thought it was a bad idea, to them it is a waste of public money, they thought the money could be used for better things like having more guards at our border. Sending our First Batallion, serve no purpose whatsoever.

In that case, why send our athletes to the Olympics in Beijing, large number of them will not bring back medals anyway. Why give money to develop Football to the Football Association, when the players for many years should kick marbles or rubbish in the cities.

This Consumer Association members, or whomever with them should attend Personality Disorder Test or may be those expert in human behaviour should add Pessimism as another category of Personality Disorder which warrant serious treatment.

Kesian....., these people, they dont see the world they way we see it.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Hey! Its April Fool Everyone Part 3

Several young participants on the floor humbly apologise to Tun for asking questions in English. They realize all eyes were towards them, they realize they do not speak in the language that UMNO fight for, they look timid at times, losing ground. Then came one chap, introduced himself, this one attracts more attention, he spoke with an English accent as if he lives in the UK all his life. Tun acknowledged him and gave him the attention he needed.

He gracefully put it that recent development in Malaysia's politic brought him to the forum although he has no interest in politic during Tun’s reign, that was his exact words. To that Tun nodded in agreement.

To me, these are the young Malaysian who are passionate about UMNO or BN but ignored and neglected by UMNO or BN.

As Malay, I am proud that I am able to speak, understand the many Malay dialects, to be able to understand a few words of Cantonese or Tamil, especially the swearing ones. I thank god, I was able read all Archer's books and I think all of us should read Archer's paperbacks.

Then came one Malay Wanita, Puteri, I don’t know, criticizing all those who came from the floor that speaks English, she went to the extend raising her hands to the left and to the right, pointing at those who speaks English, this is how she put it, “Mengapakah di dalam forum ini ada yang berbahasa Inggeris.?”

What is her problem? It is this sort of silly cow that made the opposition won in the last GE.
If the young or old are comfortable to express their feelings in English and if this English Language that you hate so much will assist us in building this nation, So Be It !!!

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Hey! Its April Fool Everyone Part 2

Events at Singgahsana

In fact there were no bottles flying except on one occasion. One smart arse bloke, introduced himself as a member of UMNO Cawangan Shah Alam. He regarded himself as “Professional”. This is during questions time from the floor to the three panel speakers. He seems to be very sure of himself, lots of confidence, an idealist, aren’t we all when we were young. We were the people who believe we can change the world, we want to be vocal, critical and sound like a left wing, it is something we are proud of, a sign or symbol of highly educated person and so they say.

I did notice him standing patiently waiting for his turn, probably his first, perhaps his last appearance during question time in such an event. He will be proud of himself if the question is good question, he will go back with pride, live to tell about it for so many days, weeks, even years.

Of course that didn’t happen, I am the one who is now telling. His question sounds like this..... “ Why can’t UMNO except Dato Seri Anwar in UMNO again ?”, something to that effect.

To that question, no reply, since everyone started to shout at him and gave him the booing, suddenly it gets rough, mineral bottle starts to fly, those sitting close to him, at least five of them walk towards him, one of them start to push him, one of them took the mic from him and the one he will have to choose whether to tell about it or not, actually grab him by his neck and drag him out of the room.

Poor soul, on All Fools Day, he could be contemplating by now whether to join Parti Rakyat or perhaps start a new Party and name it “Parti Alam”. Go Green, its trendy, if you can’t beat them, join them.

To be continued.


Highland Towers

Before I continue, I must say this, this is also the concern expressed by Tun Mahathir in his speech, "......if the opposition governing the 5 States, in particular Selangor perform well, if there are no revamps of UMNO by end of the year, then, by the next election, UMNO is no longer relevant. "

Hill View

Indeed, the new Menteri Besar Selangor is moving to the right direction, he is doing the right thing, it is the best of them all, no more development on the hills and slopes. I would like to bring your attention to Ulu Kelang, as reminder, Highland Towers, Hill Side Ukay Heights, Bukit Antarabangsa (no life taken, almost) and Kg Pasir Hulu Kelang. These are the areas where stop work order should be issued indefinitely.

Hill View

Kg Pasir

So, if the present Government is serious about it. Then I urge you to issue stop work order with immediate effect at Kg Pasir, Sg Sering, Bukit Antarabangsa etc.
To that, I must say, well done. Keep up the good work.

You have finally give hope a chance to be fulfilled.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Hey! Its April Fool Everyone

He doesn’t scream, he doesn’t shout, he doesn’t bang the stand or kick it. He smile, he put his point, he dress well, he looks very clean with his favourite dark Nehru's suit. He makes you laugh and smile. Worth every penny if you have to pay for his audience. Its Tun Mahathir’s classic.

The crowds that came are many, presumably UMNO members. Many are not too, big numbers of bloggers, big numbers of reporters turn out. For a rather small event, I am very surprise to see the number of foreign press.

There are many thugs too, they seems to hate Khir Toyo. To every word he speaks, you will hear a few UMNO thugs shouting at him back before he finishes his sentences. All I can see in Khir Toyo, he is playing politics, good politics, no shame, thick face, all smile, calm things down, tell people what they want to hear and lie a little. He even challenged the public to look into his bank account. For that he got the booing. No mineral bottles flying yet.

To be continued

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Stop Me If You Can

MMT is worst than MT.

MMT, stands for Muhammad Muhammad Taib, he seems to be worst than MT, Majlis Tertinggi UMNO.

MMT have asked all UMNO members to stay away from a forum where the speakers are Tun Mahathir, Mukhriz and Khir Toyo due tomorrow, 9am at Singgahsana Hotel Petaling Jaya.

Right……..as if we are going to listen to him. Why should we listen to a man whom we may say as “Tak Tau Malu Punya Melayu”.

Why do you stop me and many other UMNO members from attending Tun Mahathir, Mukhriz and Khir Toyo forum, are they not UMNO members ? The forum, is to analyse what went wrong in the last General Election. I dare you take disciplinary action against me since I will be attending the forum.

And I have a suggestion too, since you are now the Information Secretary, why don’t you organize one too. We’ll see, what sort of idiot will attend to your forum.

It is people like MMT that cause the lost in the last election.