Sunday, 13 January 2008

To Be In The Air Condition Or Not To Be

If I have my way I wouldnt mind living in a cold country like the UK. The one reason that stop me moving to the cold country like France, there are no roti canai, no nasi lemak, cendol, rojak etc. Even if they do, they dont have the ambience that entitle them to charge the roti canai between RM20 to RM25 per piece. As we all know the French rather exorbitant charges includes the ambience. Check your bill whenever you are in a french restaurant, ambience are included. Please pronounce "Ambience" in French. It sounds expensive.

I can't imagine, having rojak and cendol, in winter, let say in London, in one of the street at East End in full dress of winter clothing. The winter jumper, the winter coat, that long thing around the neck, the gloves, the boots, at -10 Celcius, one hand with the rojak, the other, waving the mamak to prepare the cendol before I choke myself.

The reality, I live in Malaysia, very close to the equator. Therefore, pagi, petang, siang, malam mesti ada Air-Cond. It seems today's children, mesti ada air cond. A friend told me of a boy who came to his house with his father, he switched on the aircondition, without even asking the owner of the house. The father politely asked him to switch it off. The reply the father gets, "Buat apa install aircond kalau tak pasang". It is like saying, why have the television if it is not switch on?"

Just before midday today my children were playing football at the porch. 15minutes later, they rush into the house with the ball. "Go and play outside, you are not suppose to kick the ball in the house" I told them. The reply I get, "panas lah kat luar, tak de aircond."
I dont know whether to laugh or to cry.

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