For the good of the Party, for BN and for the Nation, Pak Lah although smiling, the way I see it was crying inside when announcing he is not contesting the top post and shall pass the throne to his successor. He has done his very best to transform reform making preparation for 2020, so he said and I believe him.
What I can’t believe is when Ku Li suggested one party system for BN. What for?
Please tell me Ku Li, how do you expect a one party system to represent the vast various complex minority of the Sarawakian and Sabahan, or the Sikh or the Orang Asli or anyone who is a kin to everyone in Malaysia? We are not America and we will never be them. Even the most democratic country with 700 years of Parliament have more than 10 political parties which among others Ulster Unionist and Sinn Fein, I am sure you are familiar with those names since you graduated from Belfast if I am not mistaken.
Like Musa, like Ghafar, like Anwar, likewise Ku Li, was not destined to be the PM.
So Ku Li, do not suggest anything unless you are contesting in the UMNO election top post, just don’t say anything, just shut up will you. No one in UMNO will disolve UMNO like the way you defunct Semangat 46.
What I can’t believe is when Ku Li suggested one party system for BN. What for?
Please tell me Ku Li, how do you expect a one party system to represent the vast various complex minority of the Sarawakian and Sabahan, or the Sikh or the Orang Asli or anyone who is a kin to everyone in Malaysia? We are not America and we will never be them. Even the most democratic country with 700 years of Parliament have more than 10 political parties which among others Ulster Unionist and Sinn Fein, I am sure you are familiar with those names since you graduated from Belfast if I am not mistaken.
Like Musa, like Ghafar, like Anwar, likewise Ku Li, was not destined to be the PM.
So Ku Li, do not suggest anything unless you are contesting in the UMNO election top post, just don’t say anything, just shut up will you. No one in UMNO will disolve UMNO like the way you defunct Semangat 46.
Foto below, one believe in one or two party system, the other doesn't believe in political party. Choose.

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