Thursday, 30 October 2008


In the beginning I thought I should keep my thoughts on the latest controversy between Tun Salleh Abas and the Bar Council at bay. I rather leave it to Rocky Bru, he did good job in raising this issue including putting it in such way that the Bar Council practice double standard which they did. Thanks Rocky, you are a Star.

Then came several legally qualified person gave their opinion, even the Bar issue a press statements to defend themselves by saying in such away that “it has nothing to do with them, it is the law”. In the first place, why someone like Tun Salleh Abas need legal practice certificate to be a Consultant? A consultant by definition should be someone with years of experience in legal services sits in a law firm and assists the firm by way of consultancy.

There you go, the Bar, they put it in such a way their hands are tight. All they did is asking everyone to look at the Act. Yes that stupid Act that they rely upon time and time again to show they are part of law making body, they are a Statutory Body. Poodaahh!!!….

The Bar is aware the Consultant application requirements in the provision has cause injustice to Tun Salleh Abas, do they call for repeal, abolishment, or even amendment or whatever they want to call it? They do nothing, nothing to seek justice for Tun Salleh Abas in this case.

They give all sorts of excuses not to assist him, to me it is simple, “Hendak seribu daya, tak nak seribu daleh”.

As for now, that is the Bar Council for you, EGM pun tak nampak batang hidung.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Someone told me last Saturday evening at Open House gathering, those who join PKR are people without principles. I beg to differ when I saw YB Zulkifli Nordin raised the issues of certain parties questioning among others the volume on the call of Azan and Jawi road signage.

YB Zul, from the first day I knew him has been doing a lot of voluntary work without fear or favour especially trials on illegal gathering. Those days, those who were charged for illegal gathering were largely PAS members. Today we have all sorts of peaceful gathering from the one organised by BAR Council to the one calling for the free of ISA's detainees. It’s democracy to them, its bloody nuisance if you ask me.

Zul Nordin now MP for PKR, does what he was supposed to do when he gate crash his way into one of the Bar Council forum, no compromise in defending Islam he said, and I respected that. I think he has spoken for the silent majority in Parliament recently by firing the sick NGO’s, politicians, MPs and he is also bold enough to have a go at his own Party for doing nothing to defend Islam. Never mind if one says he is not representing the Muslim of this country, at least he got the “B#*LS” to tell off those arrogant “B#%#RD”.

Thank God, the BN candidate at Kulim withdrew his election petition against Zul Nordin and praise to Allah, Zul did not vacate his seat for Anwar as speculated.

Enjoy and have fun YB Zul, you are being watched by the silent majority. Well done.

Monday, 27 October 2008


No matter who you are and what you believe in, Wishing All Of You Happy Deepavali 2008.


Time and time again I saw the Oppositions behave like monkeys in Parliament. I posted about these issues sometime ago. I believe a well trained monkey like the one they send to space would have behaved in orderly manner.

Why do they have to behave like thugs or like yobbs?
Using foul language, screaming and shouting and each other as if it was the order of the day. Next you see Karpal got thrown out and suspended for the next two days, it is not something new, it has occurred before and will occur again. Karpal's history and track records in Parliament is as colourful as Lembu Berhias.
Some said he always find ways to get thrown out from Parliament for reasons only known to him. I posted about him in Parliament sometime ago, have a look. Now I wonder was it just a show, if it is a show it, it is bad acting with bad taste which would not warrant conferment of Datukship like Shah Rukh Khan.
And about time the Speaker take drastic proactive pragmatic action other than throwing them out from their seat in Parliament, and my suggestions to put up a "Swear Box" in Parliament, for every word of foul language or swear words, the MP in question must put RM1,000.00 in the "Swear Box".
And the money can be used to send MP like Karpal to acting school run by Dato Shah Rukh Khan.

Thursday, 23 October 2008


image : Sue him in Court.

When all of us should worry on the possibility of flood in every States in the next few weeks, most bloggers are worry on the current trend of politicians suing the mainstream media such as Utusan by the millions of ringgit for defamation, or politicians suing bloggers for the same reason i.e. unfair reporting amounting to defamation or blogger suing another blogger for telling one full of rubbish and the other full of shit.

No one, not even one blogger highlighted the issue of non appearance of MPs or DUNs and flood areas in Kedah. You will only read their cry and worries over RPK, their believe in Anwar, their support for Hindraffs or who got the most nominations at UMNO Division meetings, or who is suing whom, debates on freedom of press full of insults and sarcasm. All these got nothing to do with our daily needs, it serves no purpose to the poor, the helpless and the needy.

So why not jump on the wagon like all the politicians suing and counter suing, I am now looking for someone I can sue for RM40million. With that money, I will buy myself a big house, nice sports car, MPV and a good holiday in Europe. Most of all I will spend half of it to feed the poor and the orphans.

My apology for the “Angan-angan Mat Jenin”, I wonder what would “Angan-angan Mek Teresa” be? Her total claim for damages now amounting to RM140million, how would she spend that much money, buy a private jet and lease it to Pakatan?

Tuesday, 21 October 2008


It took the Raja-Raja Melayu to tell all those who sing and shout that there are no such thing as "Social Contract" not to questions its existence. A slap on the face to those who deny such "Contract" ever exist. A slap "tak cukup", I will be happy to spit on their faces. If they ever talk much about it again, I suggest the Government send them to join all those on sabbatical leave at Kamunting.

I am also apppalled by the statements of the President of the Bar, she denied the Bar ever question the existence of "Social Contract". It is the biggest and the largest lie ever told by the President who is supposed to be representing lawyers throughout Malaya. For your information she does not represent lawyers from Sabah and Sarawak.
I received numerous emails from the Bar Council several months ago, inviting members to join the full of rubbish time and time again forum on Social Contract. The Bar Council in the name of freedom of speech and expression approved the participants to questions "Social Contract" as if "Social Contract" is among seven deadly sins. Memang dia orang ni kurang ajar. I can't wait to see the Government banned the Bar Council too. I do.. I really really do. Dont they know, organising such forum is as good as approving it. Unless they want to "Bodoh-bodohkan kita".

We also have one not so smart Malay Menteri Besar, he just doesn't get it, doesn't he, why must he goes on saying Malaysians can question the execution of "Social Contract". Bodoh betul MB ni, buat malu orang Selangor.

MB Khalid!!! Next time when the Rulers speaks, you read between the lines, then you shut up lah....don't say anything. Just say, terima kasih Tuanku.

Bodoh betul dia ni!!!

Thursday, 16 October 2008


Why just banned Hindraff alone?
Banned the Bar Council too, as far as I am concern, they are all the same thing, banned them too.

The Bar Council for instance, what have they contributed to the peace and harmony in this country? Nothing, nothing at all, all you hear from them, we believe in freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom to switch religion, freedom to demonstrate, freedom to walk to Palace of Justice, freedom to kiss my foot.

All these freedoms that they believe in have caused uneasiness among the large majority of the members. Believe me, they have more than 12000 members, only a fraction support the Bar. Look at the attendance of their AGMs, EGMs held from time to time, not even 10% per cent of the members turn up. You will also see the same people proposing motions at EGMs, seconded by the same people who are non other than those who want the top job in the Council.

Some smart arse lawyers would say, you cannot banned the Bar, the Bar is not NGOs neither an Association, they are a Statutory Body. Then, I urge the Government to pass a new law to give an alternative to lawyers, that is to practice, lawyers do not have to be a member of the Bar. Give the lawyers an alternative body. Now that is freedom.

Among other freedom is to banned Hindraff, right ?!!!
Calling the banned and shut down of this blog is cruelty.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008


When someone like Anwar stood in Parliament for over four hours, I ask myself, is he debating or is he talking about himself ? Then I realise he called for a new budget, apparently the earlier budget table by Pak Lah outdated.

Why can’t he just debate the budget table before him? Why can't he just make things simple to everyone?

This is how I feel about it, there is not much to debate about, the last budget was well crafted that it caught the opposition by surprise. As a result there is not much the opposition can do, but they must be seen to be doing something, nothing better than to get “Kuda tunggangan DAP” to stand for four hours and call for a new budget. Don’t they know the rules about tabling budget?

“Apalah Anwar…. hang ni macam dah tak dak modal lain.”

"Hang ni macam Dato' Shah Rukh Khan, pandai berlakon."

Monday, 13 October 2008



Another big day expected today in Parliament.
Anwar has set a new deadline to take over the present Government, he said it is imminent by the end of the year. It doesn't come as a suprise when September 16 did not materialise, he got away with it. He seems to get away with anything, perhaps he was born in the Rat Year. Has it been Pak Lah who set the deadline, later set another date, Pak Lah will be called a liar.

Anwar's posters wishing Hari Raya are everywhere in Selangor most conspicious spots from Batu Caves to the foot of Bukit Antarabangsa, shall I say along MRR2. There were days I could not stand looking at the former Selangor MB posters and Billboards. It is something I believe everyone in Selangor can live without. At one point, someone even asked me whether the lady next to Azmin's Ali is his mother (actually it was PKR MP Zuraidah). What can I do, not everyone pays attention to politics.

I can never forget Anwar has his picture in the many primary school text books when he was the Education Minister. You can also find his pictures many years ago in give away Yassin at "kenduri" when he was Timbalan Presiden UMNO. I think he love himself so much.

On another topic, Datukship for Shah Rukh Khan came as a great shock to the nation. Almost everyone I met think if that is the case, they should give it too to someone like Jackie Chan, Bernie Eccleston, Kris Diyanti or better still Shaggy who performs and promote Malaysia from time to time.

Datuk Shaggy... sounds catching, dont you think?

Thursday, 9 October 2008


For the good of the Party, for BN and for the Nation, Pak Lah although smiling, the way I see it was crying inside when announcing he is not contesting the top post and shall pass the throne to his successor. He has done his very best to transform reform making preparation for 2020, so he said and I believe him.

What I can’t believe is when Ku Li suggested one party system for BN. What for?

Please tell me Ku Li, how do you expect a one party system to represent the vast various complex minority of the Sarawakian and Sabahan, or the Sikh or the Orang Asli or anyone who is a kin to everyone in Malaysia? We are not America and we will never be them. Even the most democratic country with 700 years of Parliament have more than 10 political parties which among others Ulster Unionist and Sinn Fein, I am sure you are familiar with those names since you graduated from Belfast if I am not mistaken.

Like Musa, like Ghafar, like Anwar, likewise Ku Li, was not destined to be the PM.

So Ku Li, do not suggest anything unless you are contesting in the UMNO election top post, just don’t say anything, just shut up will you. No one in UMNO will disolve UMNO like the way you defunct Semangat 46.
Foto below, one believe in one or two party system, the other doesn't believe in political party. Choose.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008


The Gate Crashing at PWTC of those with banners and placards calling for abolishment of ISA, free the Hindraff 5 and RPK lead by Hindraffs and others who has nothing to do, should be condemned by all Rakyat Malaysia.

There are Bloggers who among them are Malay lawyers believe it is appropriate to dress with protest T shirts and placards chanting abolish this and that, free this and that at Hari Raya Open House when they know themselves that it could have been done at a different forum. These are the Kurang Ajar, Kurang Adat Malay Lawyers who are a shame of their own mother tongue.

It is ironic, PKR, PAS, DAP kept mum about it as if condoning such behaviour at Hari Raya.
About time the Government withheld all form of Open House celebration. No more the much proud Hari Raya Open House and one thing for sure, the way I see it, is no longer safe. If the Government insist on doing it, just do it by invitation, thats what they do in the most democratic country like the UK and so be it.

Gate Crashing can be thrilling, I enjoy it thorougly but in disguise? For and in the name of freedom of expression? At Hari Raya Open House?
Kiss My Foot!!!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


I got these amazing shots of Reuters, AFP, Getty Images photographers of people observing Ramadhan all over the world via email from a very dear person. I felt very touch at some of the photos, especially at a boy who fell asleep while awaiting breaking fast and a young girl praying alone at men gallery in a mosque in Palestine and visually impaired children reading the Quran, May Allah Bless Us All.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish Selamat Hari Raya To All Of You and Maaf Zahir Dan Batin.
1.Symbolizing the faith of Islam, the crescent moon is seen at sunset on top of the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan, Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2008. (AP Photo/Wally Santana).
2.An officer of Brunei's Islamic authority looks through a telescope as he performs "rukyah", the sighting of the new moon for Ramadan, over the skies of Bukit Agok outside Bandar Seri Begawan August 31, 2008. Muslims scan the sky at dusk at the end of their lunar calendar's eighth month in search of the new moon to proclaim the beginning of Ramadan. (REUTERS/Ahim Rani) .

3.A Palestinian man reads from the Koran, during the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan, in a mosque in the West Bank city of Jenin, Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008. (AP Photo/Mohammed Ballas)

4. Indonesian men attend Friday prayer at Istiqlal mosque, the biggest in Southeast Asia, in Jakarta, Indonesia, Friday, Sept. 12, 2008. (AP Photo/Irwin Fedriansyah) #

5. Jordanian Muslim girls queue in line outside a humanitarian center for waiting for meals to be donated at the time for the breaking of their fast, or Iftar, on the 13th day of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan in Amman, Jordan, Saturday, Sept. 13, 2008. (AP Photo/Nader Daoud) #

6.A Palestinian woman is seen on her way to pray for the holy fasting month of Ramadan at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem's Old City, Friday, Sept. 12, 2008.(AP Photo/Bernat Armangue) #

7. Palestinian women lead young girls through the Kalandia checkpoint, on the outskirts of the West Bank city of Ramallah, to cross to Jerusalem to attend Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa mosques compound on September 19, 2008. Thousands of Muslim faithful have been crossing every week from the West bank to attend Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa, Islam's third holiest shrine, since the start of the holy month of Ramadan three weeks ago. (DAVID FURST/AFP/Getty Images) #

8.Israeli border police hold back Palestinians on their way to pray for the holy fasting month of Ramadan at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem's Old City, at Kalandia checkpoint, between the West Bank town of Ramallah and Jerusalem, Friday, Sept. 12, 2008. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue) #

9.Palestinian women walk past men (on the other side of the fence) waiting to cross a checkpoint to get into Israel in order to pray for the holy fasting month of Ramadan at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem's Old City, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, Friday, Sept. 12, 2008. (AP Photo/Tara Todras-Whitehill) #

10. This picture taken September 5, 2008 shows a stall worker preparing roasted chicken wings to be sold at a Ramadan bazaar in downtown Kuala Lumpur for the breaking of their fast. In Muslim households across Asia, the inflation crisis is casting a shadow over the holy month of Ramadan, and making the nightly ritual of breaking the fast a more meagre affair. From Afghanistan to Malaysia, the high prices of food are forcing the poor to go without, and curtailing the lavish evening buffets which the well-off have flocked to in better economic times. (KAMARUL AKHIR/AFP/Getty Images. )

11.Kashmiri Muslims pray inside the Jamia Masjid, or Grand Mosque, on the first Friday of Ramadan in Srinagar, India, Friday, Sept. 5, 2008. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin).

12.A Pakistani man prepares sweet drinks for people to break their fast at a mosque during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan in Lahore on September 3, 2008. (Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images) .

13.A Palestinian boy holds a homemade sparkler firework after breaking his fast at the end of the second day of Ramadan in the West Bank city of Ramallah,Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2008. (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen) .

14.A seller of traditional Syrian sweets calls out for customers in the Meidan quarter of Damascus September 2, 2008. Sales of the sweets go up during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. (REUTERS/Khaled al-Hariri) .

15.A Muslim woman reads a copy of the Koran at the Istiqlal mosque during the second day of ramadan in Jakarta, Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, on September 2, 2008. (ADEK BERRY/AFP/Getty Image.)

16.In a pre-Ramadan tradition, Bosnian Muslim girls wash their face with water from cave as local tradition claims that the water and prayers inside the cave will bring personal beauty and success for the year, near the Bosnian town of Kladanj, 50 kms north of Sarajevo, Bosnia, on Sunday, Aug. 31, 2008. More than 30.000 people gathered to pray inside and outside the cave this year. (AP Photo/Amel Emric) .17.A Bangladeshi vendor sells traditional sweet meats for breaking the Ramadan fast, at the Chalk bazaar in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, Sept. 12, 2008. (AP Photo/Pavel Rahman) #

18An Egyptian family looks to buy a "Fanus Ramadan", a traditional lantern popular during Ramadan, at a shop in el-Sayeda Zaynab district of downtown Cairo, late August 28, 2008. (KHALED DESOUKI/AFP/Getty Images).

19.A Palestinian Muslim girl prays in the men's mosque before the evening prayer called "tarawih", during the holy fasting month of Ramadan in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2008. (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen) #

20.A Pakistani man offers Friday prayers atop a mosque roof during the holy Muslim month of Ramadan in Peshawar, Pakistan on Friday, Sept. 5, 2008. (AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad) #

21. A man has his eyes smeared with traditional Kohl eyeliner before Friday prayers during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad September 5, 2008. (REUTERS/Krishnendu Halder) #

22. The Al-Zaim family of Duxbury, Massachusetts sits, gathered together for their dinner after 7pm on September 14th, 2008, to break their Ramadan Fast. (Justine Hunt/Globe Staff Photo) #

23. Workers sew prayer caps in a factory in old Dhaka, Bangladesh on September 18, 2008. Prayer caps have huge demand during the holy month of Ramadan. (REUTERS/Andrew Biraj) #

24.Kashmiri Muslims offer prayers inside the Jamia Masjid, or Grand Mosque, on the first Friday of Ramadan in Srinagar, India, Friday, Sept. 5, 2008. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin) #

25. A child prepares food for Iftar (evening meal) before the breaking of fast on the first day of Ramadan at Memon Mosque in Karachi, Pakistan on September 2, 2008. (REUTERS/Athar Hussain) #

26.Lebanese "Musaharati" Mohammed Fanas wakes up observant Muslims for their overnight "suhur" meal before the day's fast in Sidon's Old City in south Lebanon just before dawn on September 3, 2008. (MAHMOUD ZAYAT/AFP/Getty Images) #

27Visually impaired Palestinian students read verses of the Koran, Islam's holiest book, written in Braille, during the holy fasting month of Ramadan at Al-Qabas Islamic school in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Sunday, Sept. 7, 2008. (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen) #
28.Workers dry vermicelli, a specialty eaten during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad, India on September 5, 2008. (REUTERS/Krishnendu Halder) #

29.A Kashmiri man rests after performing prayers inside the shrine of Sufi saint, Mir Syed Ali Hamdani, during Ramadan in Srinagar, in Indian-administered Kashmir on September 11, 2008. (REUTERS/Fayaz Kabli) #

30.Thai Muslim children pray at a mosque during Ramadan in Narathiwat province in Thailand on September 9, 2008. (MADAREE TOHLALA/AFP/Getty Images) #

31Afghan men offer prayers on a hill top overlooking Kabul, Afghanistan on September 8, 2008, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. (SHAH MARAI/AFP/Getty Images) #

32A worker prepares traditional sweets at a pastry shop in Tehran, Iran on the fifth day of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan September 6, 2008. (REUTERS/Morteza Nikoubazl)

33Muslim women attend prayers on the eve of the first day of the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan at a mosque in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia on August 31, 2008. (REUTERS/Sigit Pamungkas) #

34In this picture taken on September 13, 2008 a Pakistani labourer stacks bananas being kept in increased quantities for the holy month of Ramadan in the storeroom of a fruit market in Islamabad, Pakistan. (FAROOQ NAEEM/AFP/Getty Images) #

35A boy sleeps in a mosque while waiting to break his fast on the first day of Ramadan in Makassar, Indonesia on September 1, 2008. (REUTERS/Yusuf Ahmad) #